i have a fault with gearbox as manual and sport mode light keeps flashing but clears after restarting several times or does not do it at all, after some investigation it could be air conditioning overflow pipe dripping on to the xyz switch on the gearbox. secondly i have also found oil in the injector loom could this also affect the gearbox, i have also been on youtube to see how to fix it which is fairly straight forword but what do you do about oil the rest of the loom? do i replace that to or will the oil come out on its own accord
i have a fault with gearbox as manual and sport mode light keeps flashing but clears after restarting several times or does not do it at all, after some investigation it could be air conditioning overflow pipe dripping on to the xyz switch on the gearbox. secondly i have also found oil in the injector loom could this also affect the gearbox, i have also been on youtube to see how to fix it which is fairly straight forword but what do you do about oil the rest of the loom? do i replace that to or will the oil come out on its own accord

Any codes ?
From what I've read here on the forum, water from the A/C can drip in the XYZ switch on the auto box and cause problems. The only thing I can suggest there is to use a short length of suitably sized pipe to divert the water run off to somewhere less troublesome.
Regarding the oil in the injector harness and showing itself at the red plug of the ECU, this is a well known fault on the TD5 engine which can primarily cause rough running and other odd engine behaviour. I'm not sure whether ot not it can affect the gearbox electronics.
You really need to change the injector harness in the cylinder head and at the same time allow some time for whatever oil is left in the loom to drain out and clean the red plug carefully and completely. If the contamination is bad, you might have to even get into the ECU to clean it all out of the plug and socket.
You might find this webpage of use:-
many thanks to brian47
dippypud no codes as yet

the current situation is everything was going fine put new injector harness in. got some switch cleaner and cleaned the ecm socket and left it stood on end to let any oil drain out and the same with harness plug, in the process of putting the rocker cover back on I dropped a rocker cover washer in one of the injector bays the one at the end where the bulkhead is, after much cursing and searching I have had take the injector out to find the washer right underneath. the injector washers and o rings were done by the previous owner 2months back and seeing as I have new washers and o rings which came with the harness and gasket and seeing as 3/4 of way there should I do them or not.

secondly got an icarsoft diagnostic on the way and I am presuming I plug it in under the dashboard in the empty socket on the ecm ?
well there you go kind regards mick
secondly got an icarsoft diagnostic on the way and I am presuming I plug it in under the dashboard in the empty socket on the ecm ?
well there you go kind regards mick
Yes, the diagnostics port is under the dashboard, just above the driver's left knee (or thereabouts).
TBH I'd be surprised if you get any really meaningful results from an iCarsoft device. The problem you will come across is that the diesel Disco did not become fully OBDII compliant until mid-2004 when the Disco 3 was released on the unsuspecting public.
That's the reason why almost every diesel Disco 2 owner will advise you use either a Nanocom, Hawkeye or Lynx for DIY use and the TestBook T4 for professional work. They have been designed to work with the older non-compliant and somewhat flaky D2 diagnostic systems including the engine ECU, the BCU and the SLABS as well as the intruder/immobiliser security system.
ok brian thanks again
well today got my viscous coupling spanners and was all set to put my disco back together torqued the injector down set about doing the rocker arm when third bolt from the front £$%^&ing broke gutted. on inspection i noticed that this bolt seems to a different thread much courser than the rest? so i am thinking that i can use an easyout but its deep hole and not easy to get to and i know from experience using easyouts you have to be precise, so it looks like i will have to take the head off and see if i can do it that way.
can anyone reommend a good manuel for disco 2 td5 with lots of pictures lol
what size star bolt socket do i need.
thanks guys
just looked at the rave site and its moved to topix and requires a paid subscription I tried downloaded from the rave site it down loads but you cant access it
thanks guys
just looked at the rave site and its moved to topix and requires a paid subscription I tried downloaded from the rave site it down loads but you cant access it
Hi Mick

Just read your post properly :rolleyes: So you've actually managed to download the ISO file, but you can't open it, is that right?
ok then it must be my end yes i am running windows 7 the message i get is as follows, ( windows cannot access specified path or file. you may not have the appropiate permission to acess the item ) any suggestions
i `ll try my rangerover.co.uk
many thanks
as it looks like i am going to have take the cylinder head off i will need a cylinder head kit to put it back together which are the best or are they all the same, also whats with 1,2,3, hole gasket?

many thanks for time, kind regards mick

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