
New Member
My LWB series 3 got stuck in a 2' boggy patch on the weekend. After trying to get it out on it's own for some time (much spinning of wheels) we got her towed out with another S3. After that when driving home, I noticed oil seeping out from around the gearstick rubber on the tunnel. When I parked up there was quite a drip below the gearbox also. I put a tray under and left it overnight. Some more oil dripped out overnight but not a huge amount. I filled the main box back up next day and left a tray underneath overnight once more. The leak did not start again. I have not driven it yet since but I wondered if the problem may be down to a blocked breather hole in the gearbox? I don't know if there is a breather hole in a series 3 gearbox? Does anyone know, and if there is, where abouts is it situated?


Yes as I remember when I was last into my series 3 it had a flat plate of steel sat in the hole level. Like a blanking plate and I think it had a small hole in it.

I wish people would use these Forums and not be afraid to Help.

Dont know what to say. May be you could get a piece of tin and cut it to shape and tap it into place. A grinder to shape it and maybe some tinsnips would help. Have a go what you got to lose.... OIL !

Come on PEOPLE HELP this guy.....GOD.....

North Yorkshire
yer right about the lack of help on here. its crap!! i use another forum for another car i have and the peole there are fantastic. if you have a problem you get an answer within the day. unlike here where you're lucky if you get an answer at all. if it was more helpful i'd use it more and i might be able to help someone before you get in there.
p.s i'm gonna have a go at fitting them webbers on me landy.
hope you grt your breather sorted and go for it have a go but on the down side I think you will have a prob with the webbers as in the fuel consumption but have a go.

As for the FORUM we,er,ar, ok no help...looks like its me and you's

yup i know the fuel usage is gonna be crap i just wanna see if it will bust a half shaft or not. plus my son has been at me to stick them on something. he seems to think it will turn any car into a sports car. so what better car to use than me landy.
if i break the land speed record in it i'll let you know
Had a look at the pic - what Miniman sez. Mine has something like a core-plug knocked in it with a tiny hole in at at the front, about 1mm in diameter.
As for the Webers - I await the outcome with interest! Would suggest you use 32mm chokes with jetting for something like the 1600 crossflow escort engine - should go nicely at that. When I get back to work, I`ll have a look in my Weber book and see if I can come up with some numbers. Has it got the high compression head on?
Let`s see if we can get a S111 over the ton on a stock engine!
Thanks for all the advice guys. I've not sorted it yet (Landy is only a weekend gardening toy so I haven't needed to rush. I emailed Paddocks to see if they supply a spare part for it. If not I will try the tin trick. I believe I am right in saying that the gearbox is not under pressure when running so the cover is only to prevent 'throw' from the gearoil when running. I'll remember to drill a small hole in any cap I create.

Thanks again.
Mark it looks like your gearbox has been in the hands of the military at some time. I have an ex military S3 box which has had the breather (flat metal with hole) removed and an oil filler cap with a clip put in its place like on a S2. Your pic shows the clip pushed over to the left, thats why your cap has fallen off. I have some pics showing the bits, but am not sure how to post them. I will look up the part number and let you know.
Hi Reds,

Well Craddocks went and sent me a small bolt type blanking plug about ½" diameter when I specifically told them the hole was 1½" diameter at least and sent them a photo of the hole!!! I have found a pic online of some sort of blank plug in place in a similar gearbox.

Reds - could you email me the pics on The vehicle is indeed an ex MOD wagon.

This is getting me down now!!



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