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Help please

I am the owner of a Range Rover Vogue registered in October 2004. Petrol V8

The car has just over 50,000 miles on it and last week suffered a gear box failure. The tecky at the garage indicated that they had a few of these recently and Land Rover are being very cagey. The cost of repair is £4,000! - On a £50k vehicle just after the warranty period. I don’t think so, do you?

I had a couple of questions for you – do you know who I should talk to at Land Rover? So far I have been able to get the cost reduced by 50% as a goodwill claim, but to my way of thinking this vehicle has had a major manufacturing fault/defect. I am the sole owner and the car has been fully serviced on time by dealers. All the RR customer service seem interested in is the fact I should have bought th extended warranty.

The second question was whether you were aware of a failure in the model and if you had any suggestions for how I get them to pay for the replacement?

All useful helpful suggestions greatly appreciated
In the course of my job I have come across a two or three rangerovers with the same problem. All have had 45-55000 on the clock and all have been bought seconhand so have still had some sort of warranty on them. I would contact landrover themselves and if you are not happy with the outcome you could try citizens advice or trading standards.
Thanks for the suggestions. It is about 3 months out of warranty so I am trying to track down the right decision maker at Land Rover as the Customer Service people only have limited authority which they have used to offer me 50% off the £4k cost. Even at £2k it is not acceptable in my view.
Thanks for the name and number. Do you know if he is a senior exec or one of their customer service people?
I have a L322 which has had a new gearbox in July 2006 at a cost of £2600 at a gearbox specialist at a milage of 70K. They must be week but don't understand how they would manufacture such a poor product. This luckily for me happened to the previous owner my friend and so I didn't have to stomp up the cash.

My advice would be to go to citizens advice bureau, I have had a similar problem with a TVR Tuscan but even though it was a manufatures fault I was buggered as I bought the car second hand and thus didn't have a contract with the supplier just the person I bought it from wihich accounts to sold as seen, when I went to the CAB they told me that the manufactures have to supply a product fit for purpose but this is only applicable for the origonal owner who bought it from the manufacture. This is all very vague memory so would seak advive from the CAB.

You will probably spend alot of time on here writing and writing letters to everyone, getting very upset and angry and still have to pay the 2K, some times life is not fair but I hope it is for you.

Good luck..............Adam
From all I have heard about the number of Land Rover warranty issues over the years, I should think they would be very good at sorting issues such as yours -and I don't mean sorting it to your satisfaction. Cynical, moi?
General concensus is that a '(un)fit for purpose argument with CAB backing seems to be the way ahead. Thanks for all the input.

Off to give their customer service more practice on how to get it right

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