Active Member
There has been a lot of comment about gearboxes breaking at 80,000. I thought it would be useful if other LZ users could advise the precise mileage their's went or the mileage it is at now without breaking. Mine is approaching the dreaded 80,000 and currently stands at 79,236.
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Anywhere between 80 and 100,000 miles. And it's not the box that goes, it's the torque converter lockup clutch falling apart that causes all the problems.
Yes that is what I meant - I was hoping for actual evidence rather than just 80,000 to 100,000. My first L322 an 03 plate did 99,678 miles without breaking, then I replaced it with the current 56 plate - the last of the TD6 range.
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Bear in mind it depends on what sort of life the box has had. I.e if it's been ragged from cold, 0-60's on a regular basis and driven hard, has it been serviced at all...
All factors that can affect the life of the box, some boxes if looked after could last 150k ;)
Yes but would less stress help the TC - we take it very steady but have not changed the oils. Would still like more precise info when others have gone.
Keep changing the oils and I'm sure they would last

That's what I'm doing anyway

On 163k miles now Lol
my TC was doing the low speed rumble under load when i bought it at 108K but not sure how long it had been going on, i think the 4.4 V8 TC like mine will go on for ages before failing where the TD6 will self destruct taking the rest of the tranny with it.
Saying that there is a bearing in the 4.4 ZF box that fails that there are loads of write ups from bemble and saint V8 about but mine was fine but changed it anyway along with the TC refurbish and some other plates and bearings.
Just found out that our L322 td6 56 plate has started to have slight tremor/vibration on the steering at 35 to 40mph - and this is with very gentle driving - it seems to happen just before it changes up a gear then the tremor goes - is this the dreaded TC - speed seems to be too slow and tremor too gentle to be unbalanced tyres. Any views greatly appreciated - now on 81,500 miles!.
I have the ZF 4.4 2004 petrol, i have a monstrous post on here somewhere, but mine used to Rumble / vibrate just after it changed up, the same as you would expect if you went into too higher gear too soon in a manual

i could recreate it by driving very lightly up a slight incline and it used to vibrate in a sort of wave pattern with the rev counter needle fluctuating in time with the vibration only a tiny amount getting louder and quieter. hold the throttle in one position with just enough to drive steadily and then hold that position as you go up an incline. mine sounded like the rumble strip at the edge of the motorway

if its the same as the ZF i think the TC clutch will lock up at around 56 mph so if it occurs after that speed you may be ok, unless of course the clutch has gone.

there is info on here from saint also who changed his transmission oil and filter and his went away but again i think that was a 4.4 petrol.

search threads on the net by RRphil or Bemble on here, there is tonnes of stuff.

Good luck !
Think mines on its way out! Have the same rumble as others describe on here but can normally 'bypass' it by using steptronic and changing later. Going to try an oil change using LT71141 as recommended on this forum (even though gearbox specialists say Dexron 3 is fine). I'm on 128,000
i got a good deal from opie oils when i did mine, i got a genuine filter from island 4x4.
look at saints post regarding the fence sprayer for refilling, i got mine from B&Q and it made a massive difference.

When i did my oil change the first time to try and avoid rebuilding it we used an oil syringe which was total ****e as when you hold it upside down to fill the box all the oil pi**ed out from beside the plunger and we looked like something from a tanker disaster.
After we rebuilt the box and filled it a second time using the fence sprayer and a small piece of garden hose cable tied in place of the spray nozzle at the end it was easy.

Enjoy !
Mine is a 2003 4.4 v8 it hasn't been driven for a while now getting the transmission failure message so it's parked up.
It will only pick up N and D on the gear selector green display on the dash, the orange gear display down at gear shifter cycles ok , the box is stuck in get home mode I.e stuck in 3rd gear.

Crawled under Neath and there's a multi plug on the top passengers side of the box , is that the selector switch is it internal then , box out to fix anyone had this issue.
Oh god, this is tempting fate!!:5bbanghead:

I'm on 201,650 miles, still got the original gearbox, has been well looked after (regular oil and filter changes, every 40,000 miles by me and previous owners) and still going strong. Never been refurbed or rebuilt (got confirmation of the work done and a comprehensive record of the service history from a good garage coroborated by the service history book, who did all the servicing prior to me getting it in October 2013).

If you get a build sheet for your Rangie from a Main Dealer, the record includes the Serial Number for the original gearbox fitted. If you look at the tag plate fitted to the gearbox (look at the gearbox under the vehicle on the passenger side and you'll see the tag plate) it'll have the serial number on it, so you can tell if you have the original box or a replacement.

Now I've tempted fate, think I'll just wait for the inevitable:rolly:
Oh god, this is tempting fate!!:5bbanghead:

I'm on 201,650 miles, still got the original gearbox, has been well looked after (regular oil and filter changes, every 40,000 miles by me and previous owners) and still going strong. Never been refurbed or rebuilt (got confirmation of the work done and a comprehensive record of the service history from a good garage coroborated by the service history book, who did all the servicing prior to me getting it in October 2013).

If you get a build sheet for your Rangie from a Main Dealer, the record includes the Serial Number for the original gearbox fitted. If you look at the tag plate fitted to the gearbox (look at the gearbox under the vehicle on the passenger side and you'll see the tag plate) it'll have the serial number on it, so you can tell if you have the original box or a replacement.

Now I've tempted fate, think I'll just wait for the inevitable:rolly:

I believe with good service, often these gearboxes would probably be fine

I change my oil and filter every 10,000 miles lol

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