
New Member
Ok guys, here goes. Ive searched (Like a good boy does) all the threads for a problem sismilar to my own and although some come close, none quite get there.

SO! I was commuting to work the other day and after doing about 30 miles I had to slow to a stop in some heavy traffic. After doing so I quickly realized I could not select a gear, Any gear! I quickly pulled onto the hard shoulder and thought for a while before getting out and checking the clutch fluid level, (the landy's master cylinder had been leaking but seemed to have sorted itself out) But the level was fine.
After waiting a moment I decided to try and select again and got her in to second........ And low and behold for the next 12 miles or so the problem kinda sorted itself!!!!! The Landy has been kinda OK since but I'm afraid I'm missing something? Can anyone help, Please :(
if master cylinder has slight leak ,air can be pulled in leaving pedal not so effective ,pumping pedal may clear air ,but master and slave should be changed asap
@redbig: A lesson i learned a long time ago, problems do not 'sort themselves out' ...ever :D they just hide sometimes, lure you into a false sense of security, then f**k you over when you least expect it :D fix the leak, bleed the system and see how it goes. :)
Yes, thanks for the replys lads, but why would it be sooooo bad at one stage and then be right back to normal the next? Don't get me wrong, I want to sort this, but I want to make sure I'm shooting the right target! I've done 200 miles in the Defender since with no problems. Could the oil transmission oil level be simply low and if so would you recommend getting a mate to put her up on a lift for me?:)
didnt you read my post ,transmission oil should be checked and changed regulary ,change at least yearly
Thanks jamesmartin, your friendly approach speaks reems!:p

I'm off to friendlier zones..........

You come here post 3 times,
get some decent adivce, ignore it and then through a hissy fit
that people are asking if you have tried their suggestions??

Think LZ would be better without ya Bye bye :D
If it happens again try to engage 4WD, as it could be a half shaft that's stripping.


Thanks Oldseadog, are these yokes not permanent 4wd?:confused:

Yes, think he means difflock.

Not sure why im helping though you will only get all p1ssy at me for not giving you the answer you want.

"Yes its all fine, drive it for 100's of miles Land Rover are known for being the most advanced vehicle in the world and can fix themselves"
Changed my mind to agree with GRATCH.
now feck orf, or have you realised you have thrown your toys out of pram to soon and actually you want to stay.....
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ok, let's take a look at this. I come on here thinking it was a Land rover forum, a place where people experiencing problems of one kind or another with their Land Rover might come to pick up some tips from a couple of old hands. And sure, a place where Landy owners can generally chat and wallow in all things Land Rover. However, and here's the warning to all Newbies reading this, in the space of a couple of posts, I am told to feck off, I'm called a Nob head, a whiner, a poofster, and a cock! Well now, if that don't beat all! The rest of the thread is there for anyone to read.
So here's the thing, here's the nub, you guys who are running this forum need to decide whether this is some kind of closed, membership only club, where one immediately assumes that every new poster should know the difference between a half shaft and a diff lock, that any new poster should take the first answer he is given, thank the knowledgeable person profusely and bow and scrape while reversing out of the forum on hands and knees.
The degree of venom in you guys replys to my post shocked me as I feel it would any normal human being. Don't get me wrong I'll not be loosing any sleep over this or rushing to seek professional help or anything, no no, I just think you guys need to take a good look at yourselves and the while raison d'etre for this forum. No doubt I'll sort this problem I'm having, but hey, you can keep your suggestions to yourselves. May the force be with you guys, keep calm and move on. Slainte.
ok, let's take a look at this. I come on here thinking it was a Land rover forum, a place where people experiencing problems of one kind or another with their Land Rover might come to pick up some tips from a couple of old hands. And sure, a place where Landy owners can generally chat and wallow in all things Land Rover. However, and here's the warning to all Newbies reading this, in the space of a couple of posts, I am told to feck off, I'm called a Nob head, a whiner, a poofster, and a cock! Well now, if that don't beat all! The rest of the thread is there for anyone to read.
So here's the thing, here's the nub, you guys who are running this forum need to decide whether this is some kind of closed, membership only club, where one immediately assumes that every new poster should know the difference between a half shaft and a diff lock, that any new poster should take the first answer he is given, thank the knowledgeable person profusely and bow and scrape while reversing out of the forum on hands and knees.
The degree of venom in you guys replys to my post shocked me as I feel it would any normal human being. Don't get me wrong I'll not be loosing any sleep over this or rushing to seek professional help or anything, no no, I just think you guys need to take a good look at yourselves and the while raison d'etre for this forum. No doubt I'll sort this problem I'm having, but hey, you can keep your suggestions to yourselves. May the force be with you guys, keep calm and move on. Slainte.

No bigrednobhead, it's because you're a cock.

How I love to be proved right:D

Is it too much to ask that new members spend a little time looking round the forum and getting to know and see how it actually works rather than coming on and asking a question and expecting us to jump and do things your way? the way- is it difficult seeing past your teeth? 'Cos you're that far up yer own arse you're looking out ya own mouth
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I have to say that I am at a loss as to where these venomous posts are? It appears you have made 6 posts, all on this thread.
This is nothing compared to Anything goes. I suggest that this may not be the forum for you - maybe LRO, but be forewarned, the first reply was within 4 hours! Other more "friendly" forum might leave you 4 days or 4 weeks before you get a reply.

Sit back. Take stock and look around. You might actually find you like its more " laid back" approach.

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