Jim W.

Active Member
As the title says: Gear Lever Selector Sticker!
I NEED one asap :)

Gear Lever Selector Sticker.jpg

Cheeeers :)
Went to get my Drover washed today after 2 months and the stupid :confused: person doing the interior decided to strip the damn thing off! The sticker was in great condition and now I can't look down without glowing red in anger :mad:

Wow, you must be all kinds of genius to have found that :) Or, I must be really dumb :confused:

He won't ship to Cyprus but PMed him and waiting for a reply.
Wow, you must be all kinds of genius to have found that :) Or, I must be really dumb :confused:

He won't ship to Cyprus but PMed him and waiting for a reply.
I'm sure someone on here,will send it on to you,if the seller won't,if you get it sent to me,i will then send it on for you.
I can post you this one if you want it but for some reason there's two holes in it but hey it's gratis

pm me if you want it
He only ships to Canada and US it says! :mad: and his "advert" says he ships world wide! :confused:

Seriously though, is it really this hard to find this item?
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He only ships to Canada and US it says! :mad: and his "advert" says he ships world wide! :confused:

Seriously though, is it really this hard to find this item?
Do you not know anyone in either of those country's,get it sent to them,then onwards to you.
That's what you think, I have a passport and your address, I also put a few rocks of crack in the envelope so it will get posted quicker and delivered by hand:D

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