I was looking at purchasing new gaiters for the levers and handbrake in my Series 3. However apparently the Britpart rubber ones are far too stiff and split quite quickly. Are there any better alternatives?
I was looking at purchasing new gaiters for the levers and handbrake in my Series 3. However apparently the Britpart rubber ones are far too stiff and split quite quickly. Are there any better alternatives?
There's no apparently about it, they are rubbish. I've tried two or three and they've all split within a couple of months.

My last one lasted a month, I took it off and cut it up, not only was it so stiff it kept the hand brake on, it was 1/16" thick one side a 3/16" the other. So I spent about £6 on a "universal" gear lever boot off e-bay and made it fit. I left 1" of the stiff handbrake boot and glued the new one on to it. Couple of tie wraps too. A year on and still working great, no leaks, and still very flexible.
My first hi/lo lever gator split after a couple of months and the secon'd one has been on for about 12 months now and still good both Britpart ones, the hand brake one i had to cut right back to get it on and allowing the lever to work properly and for the gear lever i've got a Syncro gears lever fitted which comes with a better cloth / rexin gator :)
Thanks for the advice. I’ve got some universal ones I’ll make to fit. It’s slow enough without having a stiff gaiter holding the handbrake on. :)
Cheap man made boy racer leather ones in black fit and last well, most importantly have not split, and the handbrake works the full lenth of its travel.
Think mine have been on there for the best part of 10 yrs now, did try a couple of the cheap rubber ones, total waste of time.

This kind of thing, you have to cut bottom to size etc, fit top inside out clip top to shaft then fold back on itself to hide clip.

Crap pic, also much easier to fit the screws through the pretend leather than it is through the rubber gaiters.

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