Update, Garage rang me today I was hopeful for some kind of resolution. I was met with quite an aggressive tone on about gear box rebuilds at my cost mentioning solicitors. Now the Son said its was doing it when he drove it 20 ft into the garage before the works.... 2nd and 4th gears... Would you not contact the owner with your concern saying just before we start on your car there's grinding in the gear box.... this is after the owner test drove it the day before I picked it up and said there was no grinding!!!!!! I will leave it to decent minded people to make there own mind up!!!!!!!!
It makes you want to film and record every convo you ever have with a trade or "professional" person.
Grrrrr!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I THINK, only "think" mind, that when mine came back to me after a lot of chassis work that the tank had been replaced cos I left it with the carpet out so he could get to the pipes etc on the top to make it easier for him to take it out. When I came back there were a load of numbers in white paint along the edge of the hollow where the pipes/pump etc fit, which I don't rmember from before.

He did say that the tank was an absolute beggar to get out.

I'm now wondering if he didn't just cut the thing up in situ and replace with a spare secondhand one he had in stock. He didn't charge me any extra for the work.
Does sound like it needs a good bleeding, like the whole system, and the brakes if they don't feel quite right. I've just replaced the slave on my 90, no obvious outward faults to see, but I was loosing fluid somewhere. You could see it was getting past the seal upon removal.

I've never ever had a problem bleeding clutch or brakes on a td5, but mine is pre abs, so that helps. I'd do that first, and I'd also get it out of that garage ASAP, if they're talking to you like that on the blower, I doubt very much their heart will be in the right place if/when they continue with any more work on the disco.

Sorry to hear of your issues, it must be very frustrating!
Does sound like it needs a good bleeding, like the whole system, and the brakes if they don't feel quite right. I've just replaced the slave on my 90, no obvious outward faults to see, but I was loosing fluid somewhere. You could see it was getting past the seal upon removal.

I've never ever had a problem bleeding clutch or brakes on a td5, but mine is pre abs, so that helps. I'd do that first, and I'd also get it out of that garage ASAP, if they're talking to you like that on the blower, I doubt very much their heart will be in the right place if/when they continue with any more work on the disco.

Sorry to hear of your issues, it must be very frustrating!
Cheers .... so nice to see people trying to help out. I was in this forum before and the help , knowledge and support was A1
Never mind thanking people, I'd be happy if the OP even finalises the threads these days on the outcome....
Not sure what you mean ..... just being nice! what's wrong with that? The is no outcome at the moment..... I've still a poorly truck
I think he was referring to new posters in general, ie not you.

We see it a lot, people arrive/ask questions/get good answers then gone for good, so this tends to make people wary/not bother with answering newbies questions.
Think of LZ as the local pub, whereas lots treat it like facebook.
Im toying with the legal front but Im not sure I can be arsed... name and shame me thinks!!! This fell swore on his kids and their kids lives, there was no noise in the gear box when he drove it after the work.... then he said his son said it was there before.... think i might just put out the invoice and header paper on here just to let people know how far someone will go to.... to save a few quid rather than their honour.. its a relatable 4x4 specialists too.
I can recommend the legal route... I took a client to court, via money claim online. https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome

Fill in the forms, and let the court send out the claim directly to the business. They then have the option to pay, or defend your claim.

A client thought he was being smart with me not paying for a fire alarm system I installed, but ended up paying the full price, plus my legal costs. Silly boy.
I can recommend the legal route... I took a client to court, via money claim online. https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome

Fill in the forms, and let the court send out the claim directly to the business. They then have the option to pay, or defend your claim.

A client thought he was being smart with me not paying for a fire alarm system I installed, but ended up paying the full price, plus my legal costs. Silly boy.
Is this the same as this ?

Looks like it.

(I followed the thing on Gov.uk which is where the Small Claims used to be. )

I agree totally about using it, have used small claims loads of times and never lost a case, although didn't always get the money. Did once get stuck with meditation (against B&Q) but still won. And of course your costs, which are minimal are refunded by the defendant when you win.
Is this the same as this ?

Looks like it.

(I followed the thing on Gov.uk which is where the Small Claims used to be. )

I agree totally about using it, have used small claims loads of times and never lost a case, although didn't always get the money. Did once get stuck with meditation (against B&Q) but still won. And of course your costs, which are minimal are refunded by the defendant when you win.
On it like a rash.......
Make sure you send them a formal letter, outlining what you want them to do... and for a reply within 14 days. Get independent assessment and cost, to rectify the fault, because that will be your evidence for a case.
+1^ except I'd make that 7 days.
One can't take anyone to court without a formal letter asking peeps to sort stuff out first, but I expect OP knows that already.
Viking 4x4 was the company.... Be aware stuff Might get swapped out if your vehicle is there for some time. Theres oil coming out of everywhere now.... Was absolutely looked after and maintained before. I question their values and honesty.

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