roy batty

New Member

new guy here - usually on other boards

I am a 200 Tdi retro fitted into this 90
current LT77 is gone - horrible grinding noise

looking for options -


perhaps this is a better board for me to ask

questions - is an R380 a better choice for me - with a shorty bellhousing ?
do I seek a rebuild LT77?

cheers in advance for the comments - suggestions - ideas

if gearbox is coming from Uk - have to consider carriage as well

cheers ya:
Cheers Sean :

Ok - this is strong consideration - stay with LT77 or go for R380?

If R380 - what of pilot shaft wear concerns with 230 Transfer ?

cheers ya:
I'm presently putting an R380 into my 110 V8 and bought a short stick R380 with LT230 transfer box as a donor. Now the whole gearbox is in bits as the mainshaft tail spline was almost non existent due to wear in the transfer gear. Bearings, baulk rings, cross drilled transfer gear and much time later I should be reassembling it all after the weekend.
Wishing I'd gone for a refurbed box from Ashcrofts. Pound for pound I have virtually spent the equivalent.

Although I am now on first name terms with all the bits in my gearbox
Cheers Zoltan;

99 % I will get a refurbed R380 with stubby bellhousing to swap out the crapped LT77

I would try to rebuild my LT77 had I not heard all the grinding - surely the case is chewed inside

I thought I might have some luck with a NA Disco gearbox - yet that too would have to be rebuilt for new pilot shaft - plus require a stubby bellhousing

wonder: if little difference between 200Tdi and 300Tdi - would the bellhousings be the same ?

cheers :

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