They quite like dumping manure (fumiere) on the steps of the Prefecture or the Mayors office when things are not to their liking.:eek:

When I used to have my WW2 military trucks an invitation to join the Pas 'de Calais celebrations at Bethune was an annual event. One year the farmers were out n force, blocking roads with not only farm machinery but burning hay bales as well, which they kindly moved to allow our convey (nearly 2km in length) through & then re-blocked the road behind us. Our Gendarme motorcycle outriders were not the slightest bit concerned & sat on their 'bikes knocking back (donated) beer whilst all this was going on.
'Oh happy days :)
When I used to have my WW2 military trucks an invitation to join the Pas 'de Calais celebrations at Bethune was an annual event. One year the farmers were out n force, blocking roads with not only farm machinery but burning hay bales as well, which they kindly moved to allow our convey (nearly 2km in length) through & then re-blocked the road behind us. Our Gendarme motorcycle outriders were not the slightest bit concerned & sat on their 'bikes knocking back (donated) beer whilst all this was going on.
'Oh happy days :)

Yes, they know how to have a proper protest in France. All very amicable in general and can be good fun.
When I used to have my WW2 military trucks an invitation to join the Pas 'de Calais celebrations at Bethune was an annual event. One year the farmers were out n force, blocking roads with not only farm machinery but burning hay bales as well, which they kindly moved to allow our convey (nearly 2km in length) through & then re-blocked the road behind us. Our Gendarme motorcycle outriders were not the slightest bit concerned & sat on their 'bikes knocking back (donated) beer whilst all this was going on.
'Oh happy days :)
Unless demonstrations get violent or destructive, the Gendarmes generally take no action. I don't know if it's true, but I have been told that the right to demonstrate is written into the constitution.
Unless demonstrations get violent or destructive, the Gendarmes generally take no action. I don't know if it's true, but I have been told that the right to demonstrate is written into the constitution.

Think i read once that the French police recon to serve the people not the government. Pity the UK police don't have the same notion.
Unless demonstrations get violent or destructive, the Gendarmes generally take no action. I don't know if it's true, but I have been told that the right to demonstrate is written into the constitution.

This same particular year a gendarme was accidently knocked off his motorbike by an armoured car, rounding a blind corner. The officer (who wasn't hurt) just shrugged, pulled his 'bike up onto it's stand & graciously accepted a beer from the armoured driver :D

2k later gear box rebuilt and new mechatronic and I’m back on the road

The main cause was the mechatronic unit, but I thought while it’s there get the lot done

Fingers crossed that’s fixed a multitude of problems

Glad you got fixed, and reported same back to us :)

Which battery are you running at the mo ? the AGM or the LA ? ....

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