
New Member
Just back from a few days bimbling around Wales with me new toy and had a great time.

One thing worthy of note if anybody is thinking of taking off the roofbars on a gaylander tho' I took mine off and took off the brackets on the roof and replaced them with the little plastic caps as advised by my local Land Rover garage - i did notice that they did not look like they would keep the elements out so I left in the allen keys that attach to the body just in case.

I went to put on my seatbelt and found it is sodden wet after a few days rain - evidently the rain is getting in throught the cap and inside the skin of the car.

Obviously (now) there should be something else to stop the water getting into the car.

Maybe I am pre-empting a reaction I dont want but I am curious, as
to what my L/R dealer will say - I went in last week and said 'I am looking to take off the roof bar brackets, can you tell me if there is a cap to replace them' and that is the part they ordered for me. My fault for not checking it was watertight or their fault for not selling me the right parts??? hmmmmm we shall see.

I now have a car that is wet from the inside all down the bottom of both seat belts - I want it taking apart and drying out properly by Land Rover and I want the correct roof bar plugs putting in to stop it happening again - what do you guys reckon? In your experience, will your average Land Rover dealer go for this?? (its Droitwich Land Rover btw)

Will let you know more tomoro'

Thats a hard one to call. I've had customers with water damage caused by faulty or incomplete repair work and the dealers took care of it, but also the other way around too. Just hope you can work something out. Good Luck Mate.
Well, I went into the dealers and spoke to a guy who told me that (get this!) his specialist subject just happened to be tracing water ingress in Landies - woohoo, aren't I thelucky boy, I thought! He told me quite blatantly that the roof tray often leaks on Freelanders and that the water usually makes its way down the seatbelts - when I asked if it could be anything to do with the caps I had put on after taking off the roof bars he said that I should be OK as long as I put the bolts back into the holes.

When he had a look at it, he started laughing and said that I should have used a different(shorter) bolt to blank off the lugs in the roof - when I asked why this wasnt supplied he basically said that I hadn't asked for it and that the lad who sorted the parts out for me would not have known to ensure that I had the blanking bolts as well.

Im going in to get the correct bolts on Saturday and I will see what they have to say but I aint pleased:mad: :mad:
doh yes the bolts that you will get have 10mm heads and come with a plastic seal on the threads, this will defo cure your problem,

i would have thought that they may have had some common sense when you said you wanted to remove your roof bars, normally with queries like that you would think they would liase with service

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