gaylander pub opening times

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lot of moaning bout pub opning times , so gonna have a poll. . . with 4 options 1 stay as it is 2 all day opening 3 earlier opening 4 close it down. . . . .
Well i think were gunner av to keep up wi the tractor gurls!:rolleyes:

Not that there gunner be open fer long, Daft yellas ony gone and left hardon in charge:D :D
duz that mean he wont be frequenting "our" pub no more?

uncoof rabble - not sofisticaited like us - huh?
yella disco said:
ey up pansies, a bit dead in ere aint it ;)
Dont ya dare call me a pansie nobody from your earth would dare to even think that, well Mondo maybe. . . :D :p :)
GRUNT said:
Oops this int the gaylander is it this is a pole.
Grunt. . . .yer not lost ya just wanna excuse ta go in the gaylader pub, cos the beers cheeper. . . :)
Grunt - Yer been watchin yer dirty vids wiv animals agin? :eek: yer scared yer piggy mate and she's done a runner - I finks I spotted her on the spitroast a bit earlier in the pub :eek:- don't be upset, plenty more fish in the sea - sorry - piggies in ****e.:)
ming said:
Grunt. . . .yer not lost ya just wanna excuse ta go in the gaylader pub, cos the beers cheeper. . . :)

It mite be cheaper - but I'm still waitin' for my pint 12 hours after I ordered it. Yu lost a customer too. Ya sidekick didnt do any work - too busy chattin in the Tractor forum - and yu didnt even invite us to go fishin' wiv ya.
I know of a pub in Brussels where it's open 24/24 and 7/7 ..... They work in shifts and 3 families involved. When you ask either of the bartenders why they're open all the time, they always answer the same thing: "we have to, we lost the key of the frontdoor..." :D :D :D :D

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