
New Member
First DIY job done on the Rangie. (Been to the gge a couple of times, but this is the first DIY)

A small thing I know, £8.99 worth of parts, 15 minutes of my time (with my son holding up the tailgate rather grudgingly) but a job well done I feel and will make getting the dogs in and out a lot easier on cold days.
That's the thing, the car was a bargain. We have had to spend some money on it. and there is more to do. the way I look at it. it's more affordable to buy the car for less and spend the money doing the bits and pieces.
First DIY job done on the Rangie. (Been to the gge a couple of times, but this is the first DIY)

A small thing I know, £8.99 worth of parts, 15 minutes of my time (with my son holding up the tailgate rather grudgingly) but a job well done I feel and will make getting the dogs in and out a lot easier on cold days.
Will you be as grudging next time he want's a lift? Youth of today !!:)

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