
New Member
Hi all

Wonder if anyone can help.

I have a 1984 Land Rover 90 3.9l v8 with an LPG conversion and I want to find a garage who has the experience to remove the LPG conversion but am struggling.

Does anyone know of anyone, preferably in the Thames Valley but to be honest anywhere in the south who might have the expertise to do this, have contacted a fair few people but no one seems to be willing to do it.

Any help would be appreciated.

I should think anyone that installs them would also be able to remove it and put it back to standard. Not sure why you'd want to though ?
Thanks, have already contacted most people locally who install them (which is a very small) list.

And I want to remove it as it's an un-nessessary complicated upgrade that's not needed in the car, 2 huge tanks taking up space in the back, added complication in the engine, blocking access to whole one side of the engine.
Yes but if it works, think of the money you could be saving on gas

+1 On that...if it works, it's your best interest to keep the LPG system in place. The EFI system from that era was quite basic and not very efficient, coupled with the standard kickdown auto transmission, you would find that you would be using far more fuel per mile with the associated expense compared to the relatively inexpensive running costs of LPG.
Thanks for your replies, I could understand getting bothered by bad MPG if it was my daily driver but it's not so not bothered in the slightest by the MPG. As I said above it takes up space and is an un-nessessary complication in the engine bay that's not needed.Thanks for your replies, have found someone to remove it now.

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