We're Americans. We don't apologize.

IMHO, ....that's EXACTLY what's wrong with America today! MAYBE we should start apologizing (for Iraq, Afganistan, Kosovo, Serbia,....just to mention the newest ones, and the ones I took the active part in) for blunders we've done in the last 30-40 years. But that's a discussion for some other forum, and not this one.

After 20+ years in the uniform, I (personally) have a LOT to apologize for.
IMHO, ....that's EXACTLY what's wrong with America today! MAYBE we should start apologizing (for Iraq, Afganistan, Kosovo, Serbia,....just to mention the newest ones, and the ones I took the active part in) for blunders we've done in the last 30-40 years. But that's a discussion for some other forum, and not this one.

After 20+ years in the uniform, I (personally) have a LOT to apologize for.
And you used K&N filters for far way too long. Is that America's fault?.............

You've been paid well for your blunders. Did you ever send any of the checks back??
And you used K&N filters for far way too long. Is that America's fault?.............

You've been paid well for your blunders. Did you ever send any of the checks back??

I'll use the same "defense" the people in Nueremberg used (it didn't do'em any good, as we all know!)....."I was just following orders".
I don't know. Maybe we sould ask 240.000 Iraqi families, whose kin we bulldozed in the mass graves, along the road from Kuwait City to Basra,....what do YOU think?
Still not thinking Nazi. Thinking that air superiority is a positive, and good anti-aircraft systems are essential.

We've gone Godwin already??
I don't know. Maybe we sould ask 240.000 Iraqi families, whose kin we bulldozed in the mass graves, along the road from Kuwait City to Basra,....what do YOU think?

Did the Marsh Arabs ask for too much from Saddam?

We can only learn from our history ... we cannot undo it, we cannot excuse it ...
Did the Marsh Arabs ask for too much from Saddam?

We can only learn from our history ... we cannot undo it, we cannot excuse it ...

But we CAN apologize, and we should. And all this in response to "We're Americans, we don't apologize"!

"Over and out" from me on THIS subject.
IMHO, ....that's EXACTLY what's wrong with America today! MAYBE we should start apologizing (for Iraq, Afganistan, Kosovo, Serbia,....just to mention the newest ones, and the ones I took the active part in) for blunders we've done in the last 30-40 years. But that's a discussion for some other forum, and not this one.

After 20+ years in the uniform, I (personally) have a LOT to apologize for.

You could of hung up your uniform any time you wanted.
You could of hung up your uniform any time you wanted.

Sorry,....NOT possible (unless ready to face court martial, and lose everything!). I am a retired Lt.Col. that was passed up for promotion several times. IF I kept my mouth shut (and toed the line), I would be getting DOUBLE the pension I get now! No. Refusing the order was not (IS NOT to this day) an option.
IF (any of) you wore the uniform in combat, you'd know what I'm saying. Again,.....this thread took the turn that was not intended, and I profusely apologize, even I'm an American!

I guess the line "we're Americans, we don't apologize" brought up my PTSD (which I have, no doubt), and I AM sorry. No more to say.
Sorry,....NOT possible (unless ready to face court martial, and lose everything!). I am a retired Lt.Col. that was passed up for promotion several times. IF I kept my mouth shut (and toed the line), I would be getting DOUBLE the pension I get now! No. Refusing the order was not (IS NOT to this day) an option.
IF (any of) you wore the uniform in combat, you'd know what I'm saying. Again,.....this thread took the turn that was not intended, and I profusely apologize, even I'm an American!

I guess the line "we're Americans, we don't apologize" brought up my PTSD (which I have, no doubt), and I AM sorry. No more to say.

Before I read this post I had you pegged for a officer, Marine I bet free.:mil79:

Thanks for your time. And you get a very good pension$$$$;)

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