They would have seen it had no prop when mot'ing it or servicing it. They are bull****ting you.

Make sure that however it gets fixed that it's done properly and not just a prop bolted back in - there will be more than that to sort out to get it working right.

You are deffo in the right here, might be easier to get all your money back and buy a different one (or a defender lol)
They would have seen it had no prop when mot'ing it or servicing it. They are bull****ting you.

Make sure that however it gets fixed that it's done properly and not just a prop bolted back in - there will be more than that to sort out to get it working right.

You are deffo in the right here, might be easier to get all your money back and buy a different one (or a defender lol)

I'd reject the vehicle and never go there again. They so obviously can't be trusted.

When you go buying another, take someone with you who knows about the type of vehicle you want or read up about em here.

Oh and

:welcome2: to the fraternity of the green oval :D
Thank you so much guys and thank you Fanny :) I am rolling up my sleeves ready to tackle them tomorrow!

Removing the props and/or the vcu is normally done as a cheap fix for either a duff vcu or mechanical problems with the ird and/or the rear diff. Even if they fit the missing parts you may find you still have a problem with the ird and/or the rear diff.

Ok, I spoke to the owner of the garage I bought it from and he said that he is happy to install a new prop, but that he would expect me to take it down to Suffolk (I live in Scotland) and would expect me to pay for the new prop, which he can source for £180 (presume reconditioned?). I pushed back and said that under the sales and goods act, I was protected as I thought I was buying a 4wd and it is a 2wd, so he is under the obligation to rectify this to a 4wd. I told him it was a major alteration that was not disclosed and I probably have not been insured. I also highlighted that the reason the prob was removed was probably because either a faulty vcu, mechanical problems with IRD / rear diff and even if he replaced the prop, there may be more problems than just that. His response was "well we'll see how the car drives after its repaired".

He was not having any of the 'he pays" argument and he said he bought the car like it and sold it like it. I explained that was all very well if I had bought the car from exchange and mart, but he sold it as a dealer and he has obligations as a result.

His response was "I am not going to throw £500 at this for no reason, I already did you a good deal..... just bring the car back if you don't want it and you can have your money back or I will source another". When I asked about whether I would get a full refund, he said that he would take money off for the miles I had done which he estimated to be circa 5,000

I bought the Freelander (March 03 model -2 door) for £3,500 with 108,090 on the clock and I have done 7,000 miles in just over 4 months (few trips from Suffolk - Scotland!)... what would you say is a reasonable amount to deduct for that? £500?

Thanks so much again for your help guys..... your advice has been invaluable and helped me so much with the dealer. Thank you, thank you!! :)
What are the laws on naming and shaming said dealer so he will think twice and may be a lesson for others to think twice before ripping of poor jo public it makes me mad just of the thought of it!!!?

Ok, I spoke to the owner of the garage I bought it from and he said that he is happy to install a new prop, but that he would expect me to take it down to Suffolk (I live in Scotland) and would expect me to pay for the new prop, which he can source for £180 (presume reconditioned?). I pushed back and said that under the sales and goods act, I was protected as I thought I was buying a 4wd and it is a 2wd, so he is under the obligation to rectify this to a 4wd. I told him it was a major alteration that was not disclosed and I probably have not been insured. I also highlighted that the reason the prob was removed was probably because either a faulty vcu, mechanical problems with IRD / rear diff and even if he replaced the prop, there may be more problems than just that. His response was "well we'll see how the car drives after its repaired".

He was not having any of the 'he pays" argument and he said he bought the car like it and sold it like it. I explained that was all very well if I had bought the car from exchange and mart, but he sold it as a dealer and he has obligations as a result.

His response was "I am not going to throw £500 at this for no reason, I already did you a good deal..... just bring the car back if you don't want it and you can have your money back or I will source another". When I asked about whether I would get a full refund, he said that he would take money off for the miles I had done which he estimated to be circa 5,000

I bought the Freelander (March 03 model -2 door) for £3,500 with 108,090 on the clock and I have done 7,000 miles in just over 4 months (few trips from Suffolk - Scotland!)... what would you say is a reasonable amount to deduct for that? £500?

Thanks so much again for your help guys..... your advice has been invaluable and helped me so much with the dealer. Thank you, thank you!! :)

Yes, that seems fine. Just get rid and find another. You'd possibly spend a great deal more. Removing the prop is normally done for the reasons quoted here.
A couple of things to bear in mind.....

1) get you money back ASAP.
2) I reckon he will try and sell it on as it is :(.
3) Once you have got your money, advise his local Trading Standards of what he is
doing, so they can get him before he resells it.
4) name & shame.

Nothing is done until the money is in your bank!
A couple of things to bear in mind.....

1) get you money back ASAP.
2) I reckon he will try and sell it on as it is :(.
3) Once you have got your money, advise his local Trading Standards of what he is
doing, so they can get him before he resells it.
4) name & shame.

Nothing is done until the money is in your bank!

Wot he said........
Thanks guys. I have sent a formal rejection letter to him as he's gone quiet on me. I spoke to Citizens advice consumer line that are linked to trading standards said that they wanted to make trading standards aware as it is a serious issue.
Hi guys, I originally posted this question and AT LAST it has been resolved with the assistance of trading standards and I rejected the vehicle and 9 MONTHS later, I got a refund I was vaguelly acceotable to (minus mileage). THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP ALL :) Anyway, the dealer is selling the car again and has it on the forecourt - not disclosing its two wheel drive.... or if he has now put a rear prop in (he was refusing to follow the guidelines of LandRover to reinstate it and they refused to do the work on that basis), that it was a conversion.... So BEWARE All. It is from Airport Garage in Ipswch, it is a FREELANDER 2003 Estate, 3 door, silver - plate number - AF03 SXV

Land Rover Freelander TD GS Hardback for sale in Ipswich Suffolk | Airport Garage

Any suggestions where else I post this so people are aware? The dealer lies and cheats and tries to rip people off. I have been going on as many sites as possible to review this garage and warn people. This car is a wreck and should not be purchased by someone in good faith. So sad that this will be back on the market again. He would have only put a prop in too (if he has even bothered!)
Hi Mell, congratulations on getting a resolution to your issue.

And thank you for coming back to the site to inform others on your outcome. A success (sort of) hopefully you were not too much out of pocket?
You are LUCKY! (not just the OP, but ALL of you in UK!) If this happened over here, the dealer would put his hand on the Bible, and swear that he sold you the vehicle in "perfect" (unaltered) condition, and that YOU (or someone you contracted) removed the shaft, and VCU. It would be up to YOU to prove that you didn't do it! (forget about American propaganda of "innocent until proven guilty", that's for movies only!)

I was a dealer in Arizona for 10 years. I NEVER cheated anyone, but there are a lot of crooks everywhere. Even customers. I've been to court MANY times where I was accused of damaging components/cars without even working on the system in question. Judges (over here) mostly side with consumers, unless I prepared myself to the "T". And I did, after I learned what kind of litigation I might be facing.

One advice for EVERYONE buying a used vehicle (from the dealer, OR private party),.......ALWAYS factor the cost of the inspection in the purchase price. NEVER (as in "never ever"!) take ANYONE'S word for it (no matter how nice and shiny showroom they have, and how "reputable" standing they have in the community), and request the inspection done at the INDEPENDENT garage of YOUR choice. IF the report comes out negative (and you are out of the money for the inspection) WALK away, and factor that expense into another target vehicle (negotiate that much more!). I bet the deduction for the "mileage" you put on this lump, was 3-4 times more than the inspection would cost?

I've been around cars and motorcycles my whole life, and I am a GOOD DIY "mechanic", but even I pay for the inspection, if I am buying a make/model I'm not familiar with.

This dealer LIED from the get go, and I wouldn't accept a penny less than what I paid for it. There is NO WAY they could've "serviced" the car, and not know that the shaft is missing! Most likely scenario,......they found the problems, decided they don't have enough "room" to do a full recon (repair what's needed, and still make profit), so THEY removed the shaft and VCU. Plain and simple,.... CROOKS. And you know how I know that? Because no dealer worth a dime would take this in on a trade! The vehicle was not traded in without the shaft. Period.

IF you didn't accept their "offer" in writing, take them to court for the money they deducted for the "mileage", you WILL get it back.
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I have only once paid for an inspection of a car. I took it to the organisation I had the most faith in - the AA. They said car was fine. So bought it. 3 weeks later the engine disintegrated and it was sold for scrap!!!! I went back to the AA and they said 'tough'.

So, would I waste my money on an inspection in future - like f**k would I.

Sorry, still a tad sore about this even after 6 years!
Well done to the OP.
A friend of mine had a bad vehicle from a local garage down this way. He rejected it and eventual got a full refund. Mind you the fact that he is a 6'5" 25 Stone, tattooed Salfordion with a shaved head might have had an influence!!
I have only once paid for an inspection of a car. I took it to the organisation I had the most faith in - the AA. They said car was fine. So bought it. 3 weeks later the engine disintegrated and it was sold for scrap!!!! I went back to the AA and they said 'tough'.

So, would I waste my money on an inspection in future - like f**k would I.

Sorry, still a tad sore about this even after 6 years!

I can understand this, but......

NO inspection can predict future. Parts DO fail without the warning sometimes. One is well advised to familiarize himself with "known" or "inherited" problems the marque might have. Have a knowledgeable person inspect it, looking specifically into "areas of interest" for the particular vehicle. And even then, there are NO guarantees. In the OP's case, missing shaft would've been easily discovered, and he would've saved himself a load of aggravation.

I don't know what "AA" stands for in your post (I see that they understandably pi$$sed you off), but IF one is buying a Land Rover, one should take it the most reputable, independent LR repair facility, and see what they can come up with (it also helps if the mechanic looking at it happens to be "a friend of a friend" or something of that nature). Then,.....based on their report, and the accumulated knowledge from this (and other) forums (age, history, records, price), one can make the BEST POSSIBLE judgement whether to proceed with the purchase, or walk away. In most cases of fishy dealer's deals, just a mere mention of the (sometimes rival) facility that might "inspect" the target vehicle, will result in fishy dealer denying it,.....a GREAT reason to walk away!

I don't know of ANY consumable goods out there, that don't involve certain amount of risk. One can buy a top of the line flat screen TV (just an example that happened to ME), from the most reputable retail chain, and the thing takes a dump in couple of months!

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