
New Member
Some lowlife scum attempted to take my Defender from the front of my home in Cromford in the early hours of 26th September. They pushed it off down the hill but failed to start the engine so it has been recovered by the Police for forensics.
Anyway, the point is that the Police said that this is one of a spate of Defender thefts in the area. They suspect a gang from S. Yorks. are targeting Defenders to strip for parts (on a 27 year old wreck? Really?).
If you are in the area please be warned and take extra precautions.
Some lowlife scum attempted to take my Defender from the front of my home in Cromford in the early hours of 26th September. They pushed it off down the hill but failed to start the engine so it has been recovered by the Police for forensics.
Anyway, the point is that the Police said that this is one of a spate of Defender thefts in the area. They suspect a gang from S. Yorks. are targeting Defenders to strip for parts (on a 27 year old wreck? Really?).
If you are in the area please be warned and take extra precautions.

Glad to hear that they didn't get away with it.

Did you have any security devices fitted to your landy?

Landys are indeed nicked and stripped for parts to be sold on or used by the crooks.
Welcome to the club ....

The same (presumed) lot according to the police from Barnsley tried to have it away with one of ours .
Fortunately they failed to get it started and left the ratty looking S2 half way down the drive .

The time really is getting close for a touch of marshal law on these scumbags
Welcome to the club ....

The same (presumed) lot according to the police from Barnsley tried to have it away with one of ours .
Fortunately they failed to get it started and left the ratty looking S2 half way down the drive .

The time really is getting close for a touch of marshal law on these scumbags

I weren't anywhere near your drive.:eek:
Can i point out... this must be the most useless bunch of thieving fookwits going...

Still deserve their legs breaking but really... they cant nick a landy.. its not exactly hard is it!

and they have failed twice! (that we know of)

hopefully they will be stupid enough to try and nick someones with a very large dog sleeping in the back of it...
It's a breakaway terrorist cell of bobbles out to divert attention from the elusive et laneclosure sect currently operating in the Peaks.

They are removing all Land Rovers from the peak district area to make people forget about how to go greenlaning on their footpath byways.
Glad to hear that they didn't get away with it.

Did you have any security devices fitted to your landy?

Landys are indeed nicked and stripped for parts to be sold on or used by the crooks.
No security devices - just the 2 big dogs in the house that didn't even wake up.

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