
New Member
Hi guys, firstly a quick intro... Owned a freelander for a couple of weeks now and been browsing the forum since, bought mainly as a family run around for the winter but interested in some off road, nothing too serious, for now at least. Anyway since buying the thing the HDC hasn't worked, which has bugged me and caused me to investigate, had the wires re-soldered hoping that might fix the problem but unfortunately not, now i've checked the fuse boxes and it appears that the engine management relay, and 2 fuses are missing. 'R5, FL6 & FL10' ive just bought the vehicle privately and have a bad feeling this could be a cover up for an engine problem, any advice please? I have some technical knowledge but by no means am I a mechanic!

I've attached pics of the box so you can have a gander.



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The RAVE manual confirms NeedleNose' post..those 3 items aren't used on a UK petrol model..Fl6 is for the glow plugs..

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