
New Member
Has anybody changed there fuse box from old glass fuses to standard blades?
If so what's the easiest root, get a box from a newer defender or just put in your own holders?
Is it worth rewiring complete circuits 1 at a time?
Any help would be grateful.
Regards Dan
1.Yes, but not me
2. either, alot go with aftermarket boxes to allow for expansion
3. not really unless you are having issues, it would be a right mare doing one at a time and making it neat, thats why the wiring is loomed
Makes sense lol, and I think I'm goner buy some fuse holders and convert the original to blades! It has already had wires added all over the place so I'll trace them and neaten them up aswell!
I have.

The 8 blade fuse holders, I used these ones 8-Way Blade Fusebox, almost fit the hole left when you remove the old glass holders.

I removed the old ones, didn't disconnect from cables, trimmed the hole to fit the new holders and a bit of bending at the bottom to slot them in. Bolted them down at the top but held in at the bottom by the adjusted fold in the metal.

Then I moved the cables across one at a time.







Didn't take too long. Get some point nosed pliers to help get the connectors on, some of the wires are quite short or at least they were in mine.

Worth doing if you have gremlins.
Looking good think I'm goner make a job of this! Blade fuses are much easier to get hold of which is the main reason and it also looks better!
Cheers Dan
About a month ago I found 300TDi defender fuse boxes on ebay for £7 with the terminals so I bought one just as a spare but I can't find them now or I would point you at them. They were not listed as defender fuse boxes and I'm sure the chap didn't know what he had. Might be worth having a good look.
Cheers bud they look excellent especially for the money! Will these wit straight into the existing space or will I need to do a little modding?
Regards Dan
Cheers bud they look excellent especially for the money! Will these wit straight into the existing space or will I need to do a little modding?
Regards Dan

They are the standard fuse box on a 1994 300TDi so they will fit in the space, you just need to cut a rectangle out of the metal plate to match the back of the fusebox. Then take one fuse at a time and chop off the existing connectors and crimp them to the new terminals and push through the holes.
Sound, think I'll have a whirl at that these glass fuses do mi bloody head in lol and someone's been sticking 13a house fuses in lol!
Thanks again Dan
Sound, think I'll have a whirl at that these glass fuses do mi bloody head in lol and someone's been sticking 13a house fuses in lol!
Thanks again Dan

When you are sorting it out you might be able to re-organise some of the fuses so if you have an alarm etc with in-line fuses you can solder a wire from the relevant feed and attach a terminal then attach a terminal to another wire leading to the device so you can tidy up your wiring a bit.
It's got alsorts of bloody wires lol I need to trace them all, got speaker wire used as power and original wires just chopped and taped up so could because fun job lol

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