Ian Ahern

New Member
Hi guys,
Hoping for some advice. I blew a fuse, its a 15amp one the old glass kind, it knocked out my brake lights, indicators and gauges(temp&fuel) so when I replaced it and used my indicator it blew straight away again.. It does seem that the turning left signal blows it.. Could it just be the bulb?? loose wire?? and advice or help is greatly appriciated.
Firstly try the simple things like taking out the bulbs and putting the indicators on. Check that the actuating arm of the switch is not fouling any metalwork (have seen that before!).

Try the simple first, i fnone of these seem apparent, ill give you some more in depth info


i have exactly the same problem with my left indicator.... i have tried all the basics, i was thinking of just running a new length of wire for them but if not needed I would rather not.
Thanks for the replies lads,
I had a good look over the weekend, bulbs were fine, I took the plastic steering casing off and wrapped the actuating indicator arm in insulation tape,(top to bottom under rubber guard thing) heeding advice from Jim,(Fired up). changed the 15amp fuse and hey presto.. now im not counting my chickens just yet but it didnt blow again over weekend or this morning on way into work so fingers crossed. I also stocked up on a dozen spare fuses just in case.
Thanks again.
hmm that sounds most anoying. have you looked at tow bracket sockets etc... these can sometimes have some dodgey wires/pins....

I cannot look at mine for about 2 weeks unfortuantly, but when I do I am going to spend a bit of time on it and get it sorted. I don't think wiring access is to difficult.

I will keep you posted, and if anyone else finds a fix let me know cheers.
Found the problem today, it was a crowbar short in the passenger side wing, the looms can be accessed through the vent on the wing. I am going to disconnect everything at the front, pull the loom back, look for the dodgey wire(s) and renew it, then lead the wires down the side of the wing instead of feeding it back under it.
I recently bought an old land rover 90 (1984), one day one of the fuses blew and the whole left hand side rear lights stopped working, I spent absolutely ages trying to figure it out going round the car with a multimeter and changing fuses the works, I eventually figured out my problem, the fuse for the right hand side rear lights was a different value to the one that I was replacing for the left, causing the current to short down one side, I replaced both fuses with the same value and it worked (for some reason the lights are on the same circuit, but with two different fuses) - I don't know if this will solve your problem as Im new to this whole land rover thing, but just a suggestion.

-Oops, didnt see the last entry, oh well I leave this here in case anyone else has the problem -
Hi Widget

It's all new for me - only just moved to this part of the world, having lived in Suffolk the whole of my life, also only just got myself a Land Rover, which I bought with the bonus I earnt during my gap year (I'm currently in my second year at uni).

Got a whole list of modifications that I want to make to it and my current learning curve is incredibly steep (I knew absolutely nothing about cars), but I'm loving every minute of it (including games of how many uni students can we fit in a land rover 90 ;) ). Looking forward to eventually trying some off roading when I'm brave enough and when I've read around enough and get some time. I think I'm already addicted to Land Rovers despite all their irritations (yes the footwells get absolutely soaked whenever it rains - something that I want to try and fix this weekend). Anyway nice to hear from somebody so close by.

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