
New Member
Ive been having a problem with delayed gear changes on my 96 dse since the transfer box was replaced , changed oil and filter , transfer box and gearbox ecus to no avail.
I removed fuse 4, 30 amp supplying transfer box today and took car for a quick spin , guess what ! the gear changes are normal again !.
I know I probably have no low range selection but at least I have a driveable car now .
Rekon there is something amiss with switches or sensors in the transfer box sending wrong signals to the gearbox ecu .
MPG should be up big time now too . Anyone got any ideas ?
I could be wrong, but I didn't think the Transfer Box has anything to do with Gear Changes profiles....JamesMartin is the man for gear boxes...
I could be wrong, but I didn't think the Transfer Box has anything to do with Gear Changes profiles....JamesMartin is the man for gear boxes...
Faulty transfer box ECU can play havoc with the auto box, the low range program in the auto ECU is totally different to the high range program, so it's reasonable to assume that if the range switch on the transfer box motor is miss timed it might also affect the gear shift pattern.
Does it shift from high to low range correctly?
Is there coding switches in the transfer box hi lo motor that give info to the autobox ecu?
The coding switches control the movement from high to low range which signals the transfer ECU which is also connected to the auto box ECU
Yep checked the selection from hi to low and it does work ok , so I assume the transfer box ecu is ok , my suspicion is that the motor and the switches at it are incorrectly fitted as the transfer box itself was changed some and ever since the gear changes havent been right.
Ill look at the rave manual for the pin outs on the ecu and check from there,

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