
New Member
Guys, my landy smells funny and I need some help finding out why :pound:

Ok, the smell is best described as a hot rubbery smell. Kind of like if you stuck a brand new tyre outside in the sun for a few hours and then stuck your nose right on it.

This only happens when the engine is under load for some time (going up a hill on the motorway where the turbo would be spinning up for quite a long time). I drive one hill on the motorway quite often and it happens every time. Its about a mile long and not very steep, but does require a fair amount of right foot. The turbo spins all the way up it and by the time I reach the top it stinks inside the cab. Never happens when driving around town or country lanes. Its been happening for quite a while now and I just can not seem to pinpoint where it is coming from, although it does seem to come through into the car via the heater vents - even when the heaters are turned off.

I would also say that it does not smell like burning clutch or brake pads - just the wrong kind of smell.

Anyone ever have anything similar?? Starting to drive me nuts now!!!

Many thanks
I noticed this when laning, used to come out of a lane and back onto a road, boot it up a long hill and all of a sudden a horrible smell... I haven't pin pointed mine yet but I changed the transfer and gearbox oils as i expected them to be dry and i haven't noticed the smell yet. however i haven't really thrashed it up hill since so don't hold me to that one.
Try having a look in the heater box then, mine was full of all sorts of crap, as the engine gets hotter the heater matrix gets hotter and therefore all the crud including the foam around the matrix gets hot.

Failing that buy a peg:D
Heater all looks spotless from what I can see. Had a good sniff around in there and can not smell anything rubbery :confused:
Have you checked the operation of all the flaps on the heater box, and the operation if the fan. I too have noticed a similar rubbery burning smell and have found that for some reason on the low setting on the blower the fan doesn't always start turning, I've found I have to switch it to full, the blower starts and then I can switch to low ok. I think my smell is from that blower fan at low setting not having the ability to get the fan turning thus giving a burning smell???
Well my fan seems to work ok on all speeds from what I can see. Is it normal that you get a small amount of hot air coming through the vents when driving even when the fan is switched right off??
the fan belt maybe worn or wearing down due to miss alignment or failing alternator bearings or tensioner or water pump.
Alternator, belt and tensioner are all new. They have been replaced since the smell started so that rules them out. I have checked the water pump which looks and feels fine. Think I will just leave it. If it is serious then something will give up soon!!!
Mine smells of hot rubber since I changed all my hoses, as I think that it's just the rubber doiong what rubber does when it gets hot ... it smells of hot rubber! ;)
timing belt then ???:confused:

Timing belt?? As in its worn or something?? I've never had the belt changed on it since i've had it as I was told it was done just before I bought it. Although I have had it for 3 years now (aint done much mileage) so maybe I should think about getting it done. Will have to be a garage job as I know naff all about timing belts.
Well my fan seems to work ok on all speeds from what I can see. Is it normal that you get a small amount of hot air coming through the vents when driving even when the fan is switched right off??

Yeah it's just drawing air through it whilst your driving even when the temperature is switched off. I had to drive one hundred odd miles yesterday, red hot outside and cooking feet inside even with everything switched off and the air directed to the wind screen.

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