ai. 5.3. but im going to sell some bits on it i dont want on ebay (roof rack, side steps, A bar. should get 200 back on those and i may be cheeky and knock a ton off cos the tax is out in July :D so yer about 5k hopefully. looks like a good un. let you all know more on saturday night after the test run!

on another note. my mate just bought a good 3.5 V8 90 also G plate original factory fitted thingy for 3k. nice it is too.

Bottom line is it's a 20 year old car with a replacement engine, fingers crossed but i reckon half what was asked is a fair price - maybe as it's well presented on fleabag it should hit 3 - i think we need a LZ sweepstake here!
people are a bit iffy with paying out top $$$ for engine conversions. stigmas attached means you lose the masses therefore less people to start a bidding war. 3k i reckon.

Hey guys,

Long story really - yes that is my listing on ebay.

Basically changed jobs and thought I would need a car basically because the fuel consumption is quite high also the noise gets to me after an hour or so on the road. Anyhow decided I probably wont sell now hence my other threads on this forum to do with getting tools and doing stuff myself on it. Just going to leave it on ebay now and see what it gets to. I am quite aware that 5k is prob a bit over the top however have had several offers for 5k infact one guy offered £5225 if I took it to Manchester to him. Anyway, like I said, probably wont sell now unless I get an offer I cannot refuse. Will leave the listing on ebay and cancel near the end if its looking low.

Plan now is to put a transfer box from a Disco 200 in it and hopefully get a better top speed, less fuel consumption, less noise etc At the miniute its superb for towing heavy loads as the torque is so high however I dont actually ever tow anything.

Am also going to buy a nice shiny set of tools and get to work and change a few bits that look old. After having my UJ changed Odenne kindly pointed out a paid ALOT more than if I did it myself.

Also hopefully going to get down to a S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S meet soon.


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