Eh..........Gor don't you know nuffink...............It's when some one sits side saddle on the crossbar and steers while who evers on the seat peddles. Bakkies were called seaters round these parts.
aye but they had a great long seat, good fer giving bakkies to yer mates ;)

My 1st boyfriend had one.............he would never let me ride on I nicked it one day and rode around the green infront of our house :D He went mad but I had great fun!! :)
Eh..........Gor don't you know nuffink...............It's when some one sits side saddle on the crossbar and steers while who evers on the seat peddles. Bakkies were called seaters round these parts.

sorry, am not fluent in yarksheernese these days
My 1st boyfriend had one.............he would never let me ride on I nicked it one day and rode around the green infront of our house :D He went mad but I had great fun!! :)

now if i'd been him i would have joined you and we could have re-enacted that scene from butch cassidy and the sunburn kid
I haven't let my boys go out in it, Titus is so stupid he'd charge around and probably fall n break a leg!!! Will put them out 2mro if it clears a bit.[/URL]
Now this really looks fun ! look out tesco's car park if it freezes tonight !

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