
So a quick question that's come to my mind now that it's dark and miserable whenever I'm driving and I have the Defender's notorious lack of beam power to deal with.
What is the definitive way full beam is supposed to work? I have noticed that my full beam is pretty rubbish on a day-to-day basis but when I flash someone (to say thanks obviously) my beam is actually pretty impressive!
Is the dipped beam supposed to turn off as the full beam is turned on? And do both beams remain on when pulling the stalk towards you to flash someone?
I would be interested to know the reasoning behind this if it is the case.
Dunno really, not thought about it cos my lights are fine at night. The best thing I did was fit relays for the wiring and a pair of the cheapish clear glass reflector in the bowl type light units. Forget what there called! Is it crystal light or summit?
Yes, normally dip beam element goes out when full beam comes on and vice versa, so flashing means both elements are on giving 105 watts of light( supposing your bulbs are 55/50's)
Perhaps try some osram nightbreakers.
Osram Silverstar are well reviewed, and give a noticeable increase in light. The clear lensed headlamp units also help.
Thanks guys, I have been looking at the nighbreakers. Apparently the white vision by Philips are quite good as well. I'm glad that actually seems to make a difference. At least my lights are wired up correctly!

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