
Well-Known Member
So I took the plunge and invested a huge stash of my hard earned into becoming a Full Member.
Ta ta tarra! ( That's a trumpet fanfare by the way).
There are some who have followed my short, but lively time with Landyzone and have come to the conclusion that I am already a complete and utter "full member" and should not need to pay to prove it, but I say otherwise.
I am now waiting for my special "Full membership package", delivered personally by the delightful Samantha Beckinsale dressed exclusively in her wellies and a sou-wester. However I am willing to wait for the weather to warm up first. It's only fair.
So while I wait for the snow to thaw and a ring at the door, ( poetry, at my time of life?) I will take the time to say this.
"The shirt shop sells socks"
I bet you were not expecting that, but thanks to all the members, full and not so full, who have contributed to keeping my Rangie on the road. The six months I have owned my Range has been mixed to say the least. I have run the full gamut of emotions from sheer outrage and desperation to something akin to mild arousal and I dont suppose that is going to change anytime soon. Your advice and knowledge has kept me on the ragged edge of sane and the even raggedier edge of financial solvency so cheers to the whole bloody lot of you.
Whist I await Samantha I will go and have a rub down with a copy of the Sporting Life to keep me ticking over as it were.
Once Sam' has finished,( because to know me is to love me!) I will refit my RR rear wash/wipe motor and gear box which I am just refurbishing at the moment and let you know how it goes. (The wash wipe motor, not Samantha. A gentleman never tells)
Do all us full members get a hat and a sash.
Damn it all. You can't expect a FULL MEMBER to give rides to all and sundry!!! There are standards you know. I suppose if she gets into the boot...
So I took the plunge and invested a huge stash of my hard earned into becoming a Full Member.
Ta ta tarra! ( That's a trumpet fanfare by the way).
There are some who have followed my short, but lively time with Landyzone and have come to the conclusion that I am already a complete and utter "full member" and should not need to pay to prove it, but I say otherwise.
I am now waiting for my special "Full membership package", delivered personally by the delightful Samantha Beckinsale dressed exclusively in her wellies and a sou-wester. However I am willing to wait for the weather to warm up first. It's only fair.
So while I wait for the snow to thaw and a ring at the door, ( poetry, at my time of life?) I will take the time to say this.
"The shirt shop sells socks"
I bet you were not expecting that, but thanks to all the members, full and not so full, who have contributed to keeping my Rangie on the road. The six months I have owned my Range has been mixed to say the least. I have run the full gamut of emotions from sheer outrage and desperation to something akin to mild arousal and I dont suppose that is going to change anytime soon. Your advice and knowledge has kept me on the ragged edge of sane and the even raggedier edge of financial solvency so cheers to the whole bloody lot of you.
Whist I await Samantha I will go and have a rub down with a copy of the Sporting Life to keep me ticking over as it were.
Once Sam' has finished,( because to know me is to love me!) I will refit my RR rear wash/wipe motor and gear box which I am just refurbishing at the moment and let you know how it goes. (The wash wipe motor, not Samantha. A gentleman never tells)
Do all us full members get a hat and a sash.
More like a shat and a slash.:oops::D Make sure she gives you the 50 lashes with a wet Woodbine treatment.

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