
Evening folks.
Having recently saved a 2005 TD4 F1 from the scrappers, diagnosed what was causing all the white smoke (with the help of Nodge and others) as being a blocked CC breather. So cleaned the air intake manifold (horrendously dirty job, I was warned) also took off the hoses, removing front bumper and pulling intercooler. All thoroughly cleaned. Leak off test done on injectors, two of which looked a bit dodgy so I stripped and cleaned them. all put back together. Now it wont start, not even trying. Suspected the injectors so tried them in my other F1 and they were fine. Fuel rail sensor, crank sensor, map & maf all connected, what else can I try? I will put it on the diagnostics tomorrow.
Thanks folks
Thanks Nodge & Paul99. Sorted (in a fashion) Interior lights fuse had blown, replaced this which gave power back to OBD port. Continually cranked car and then she fired up, runs lovely until I put my foot down and back to billowing white smoke so I suspect the turbo has blown oil seals. Going to follow the guide on hear and have a go at dropping the old turbo with the IRD in place. Thanks again
Its more grey and stinjs of burning oil. Revving when stationary no smoke, take it for a drive, foot down, turbo spools up and masses of grey smoke, so its my bets the turbo seals have gone after previous owner neglected crank case breather.
Its more grey and stinjs of burning oil. Revving when stationary no smoke, take it for a drive, foot down, turbo spools up and masses of grey smoke, so its my bets the turbo seals have gone after previous owner neglected crank case breather.
oil = black smoke ?
That's what I would have thought. White smoke being unburnt fuel.
Given the work done could be injector seals? (Loss of compression)
There's plenty of other escapes for built up crank case compression, filler cap, dip stick or pcv housing seal.
Defo smells of burning oil and only happens when turbo kicks in, also presence of oil in turbo pipes is pointing me towards turbo. I can sit and rev it whilst stationary and no smoke. When I stripped and cleaned the injectors I replaced the copper crush washers and O rings, also replaced O rings on the spill back connections. Any other checks you think I could do to either prove/ disprove turbo issue?

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