dirty hands

New Member

Being the tedious type and seeing how everyone asks ‘how many miles to the gallon?’ and ‘bet you need a tanker following you on a long journey, haw haw haw’ etc. I decided to keep track of what the old 90 was using. See sig for land rover details.

Miles travelled = 1013
Diesel used = 60 ltr
Veg oil used = 89 ltr
Total litres = 149

Litres per gallon = 4.5461
Total gallons = 32.7753459

Total miles per gallon = 30.90738

So about 31 mpg.

I don’t really drive aggressively and this is on hilly North Yorkshire roads. I didn’t think it was that bad.

The ratio of veg to diesel being roughly 2 litres diesel to 3 litres of veg.
Been looking at cost too

195 liters of veg cost me £111.34, to use that much veg I used £90 of diesel.

I saved £77.53 buying veg instead of diesel.

Better than now’t. Analysis was done over 3 months. Veg oil was from Morrisons and Tesco.
I've been running on nearly 100% veg for ages now, idles just a bit lumpy for the first few minutes - i've been going from Skye to Staffs a good few times and tend to drive non stop refilling with veg on route - i decant the large Tesco drums into a few standard fuels containers and bring them with me for road side refilling, often in the middle of nowhere at 3am

i have a Kenlowe preheater in my S3 and before the weather gets cold i will either put that in me 110 or fit some sort of fuel pre-heater - wonder if the kenlowe could be used to preheat the fuel
apparently the "taxation free" 2500l/yr use of alternative fuels is being reviewed and will allmost certainly be removed after it's initial 1 years period - so enjoy it while it lasts
apparently the "taxation free" 2500l/yr use of alternative fuels is being reviewed and will allmost certainly be removed after it's initial 1 years period - so enjoy it while it lasts

you still have to declare those 2500 litres though yes?
you still have to declare those 2500 litres though yes?

No. the only reason they brought it in was because so many people were running on veg oil and filling a return for 10ltr per month because they only used their vehicle on a weekend. It was costing more to process the paperwork than they were getting back in duty.
so i dont need to be sending off those forms every month?
nice one , ta guys.

so , how sdo they know ive used more thAN 2500 litres?
if, based on the forms you had sent in, it looked like you were using less than 2500/yr they'd have sent you a letter telling you that you'd been de-registered
thats a lot of veg oil , a 50/50 mix is pushing it with a cav pump.
Its one of them 2 tank things, I only warm up n flush on diesel. It'll only switch over to veg when it reaches the right temp. I could have saved miself the money and just chucked it in mi tank.
how much is a litre of veg oil from supermarket?

can u literally just buy it from the supermarket and stick it straight in the fuel tank as long as theres enough diesel:veg oil ratio?
Cheapest you'll get it is about 50p per litre or thereabouts. Yes you can just chuck it in the tank - there are some potential risks doing that , try a google search for SVO, WVO and "Bio Diesel" - more info than you can shake a can of Mazola at ;)
another interesting thing I found (or not depending on your definition of interesting) was the return part of the fuel system. I read somewhere that there is only a little fuel returned to fuel tank as bleed off. This turned out to be 3 times the amount of fuel used. On a journey that should have used 2 lt of veg it burned 2 lt of veg and returned 4 lt to the tank. It was actually filling my main tank from the veg tank.
so i dont need to be sending off those forms every month?
nice one , ta guys.

so , how so they know I've used more than 2500 litres?

They rely on your honesty and integrity.

It would seem fair to me that you give them exactly the same level of honesty and integrity that they show to you. No more, and no less.

Fair's Fair?


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