Well boys, surprise surprise, a mealy mouthed non answer, and they won't be taking off the rip-off tax either.

Here it is.

Petition to:

Fuel duty reduction, now VAT has increased to 17.5%, please deduct the duty which was levied when vat was reduced to 15%.

This petition is now closed, as its deadline has passed.
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Fuel duty reduction, now VAT has increased to 17.5%, please deduct the duty which was levied when vat was reduced to 15%. More details
Submitted by David Powell – Deadline to sign up by: 12 March 2010 – Signatures: 170,377​

More details from petition creator

When vat was reduced to 15% in January '09 your chancellor levied an extra 2p per litre of fuel, to compensate for the loss of revenue from the vat reduction, now that vat has now gone back to 17.5% we think it only fair that you reduce the the duty again by the same amount, ie 2p per litre.

Petition to: Fuel duty reduction, now VAT has increased to 17.5%, please deduct the duty which was levied when vat was reduced to 15%. | Number10.gov.uk

Government response

Your petition relates to the policy of the former Chancellor of the Exchequer. In his 2008 Pre-Budget Report the former Chancellor said “I will offset the VAT reduction, by increasing all these duties by an amount which should keep the overall cost to consumers the same this year.”
The coalition Government’s first changes to taxation were announced in the June Budget. The Budget sets out the action the Government is taking to rebalance the economy and provide the conditions for sustainable growth and deficit reduction. This involves difficult choices.
The existing rates of fuel duty and the rates applicable through to January 2011 were set and legislated for by the previous Government. Under plans the coalition Government has inherited fuel duty is scheduled to rise by one pence per litre above indexation each year thereafter until April 2014.
It is necessary to implement these increases as dealing with the budget deficit is the single greatest economic challenge this Government faces. Unavoidably, tough decisions are required, but underpinning the Government’s approach is a commitment to fairness. The Government has been clear that the burden of deficit reduction will have to be shared, but the most vulnerable in our society will be protected.
thats utter b****cks isnt it coz thats where they always seem to get us in the soft bits dont they
Did you see on the news the other night, the yanks were complaining about the cost of their fuel going up!
12 cents per gallon, its now 3.88 a gallon. it shows how much tax we pay! TOOOOOOOOOOOOO BL*******DY MUCH
In nice terms they say tuff tits we need the money to spend on posh cars and new paint for the house of commans so no means no!
Or if you did not drive you car we would not tax you but as you do this tax your pants off too
Oh bye the way don't blame us blame the ****s before us!
Never the governments fault is it!!!!!! The actual cost of fuel is minimal, all companies are taxed to high heaven, try calculating how much tax the bastids take on our fuel directly and indirectly, VAT, tax on petrol co profits, tax on thier wages, council tax, tax on thier heating and lighting etc etc etc, don't get me wrong i don't feel sory for the fuel/oil companies but the ridiculous cost of fuel is down to our greedy government. We brits are to soft, many other countries would be rioting long before now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the country is so hard up how can we afford to go throwing missiles at a millions pounds a go around in these various wars they seem to like to start. And how much has just been spent decorating Downing Street?

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