Just a quick update...

Famous Four do have these cradles in stock at the moment, but they're not cheap by any means.
I'd been speaking to Hippo about making some of these a heck of a lot cheaper than they cost to buy currently. Along with improving the design a little to offer a bit extra off road protection.

If there's going to be serious interest then i can look at this further/quicker
Let's put it this wat the not is due next april. No worries until then cheers. I did enquire at British car parts in Stevenage they had none in stock but said they could get hold of one for about £280 + the vat I think that's he said but I was a bit dazed, said I'd let them know, cheers
Plenty of time then, no rush :D
Nah, i'll look into it next week when i'm next under my car, probably not have prices for a couple of weeks though
Some ideas: freelander fuel tank guard - Google Search

I stopped driving mine for a bit so it's not empty of fool yet so I int taken it oft to measure. If someone else can do it sooner then please do.

Depending on costs, perhaps a normal and more expensive stronger version for oft road use?

Would save having a separate guard, could make 2 versions yeah!

Does the cradle support the tank or just wrap around it non structural?
I'd been speaking to Hippo about making some of these a heck of a lot cheaper than they cost to buy currently. Along with improving the design a little to offer a bit extra off road protection.

If there's going to be serious interest then i can look at this further/quicker

Clearly as time goes by there will be a demand for cradles. IIRC it isn't easy to fit a replacement. I suggest a new type be made that is easy to fit. Such a cradle will sell like hot cakes!!
The cradle on our 2005 TD4 is bad, our 2003 TD4 is very good. Either some were poorly painted initially or type of useage has an effect.

well i had a quick look under the car today and my cradle is also full of rust, so looks as though i will be going down the same route of getting another one or second hand

maybe if theres enough people interested in them about possibly a fabricator doing a gew as per requirements in quantity required

will be interesting to what price they come out as

will be watching this space


Just looked at ours, its by far the most rusty component on the car, so yes it will need replacing in the not to distant future.
Well I finally found a second hand cradle for £60. Looked OK at first glance


but when I cleaned it up I found that it was a bit thin on one side to say the least.


I tried to weld in a patch but a combination of my poor technique and the thin metal (Not sure how thick the original was but probably about 0.6mm, which is too thin IMO) meant that I kept blowing holes and ended up cutting the entire plate off and using it as a template to cut my own in thicker 1mm steel, which I then etch primed and smothered in Hammerite.


Haven't fitted it yet, but it will go on soon as I have a recon VCU to fit as well. Mark Smith Land Rovers in Bicester said about 3 1/2 hours to replace the fuel tank cradle and fit the VCU for me - sound about right?

Anyone making reasonably priced replacement cradles will sell loads I would think if the state of mine and the second hand ones that I could find are anything to go by!
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Surely members living in an area where there are small sheet metal fabricators could get them made at a lower cost and better quality.
Most of these companies are struggling and desperate for business, especially where "Pound notes" are being offered. The cradle would probably be made from offcuts of metal which would normally go in the scrap bin and a minimum of bought out parts. All they would need is an old cradle as a sample to work to.
Even the smallest firm would have at least a Guillotine, hand bender and MIG welder, they would no doubt keep the drawing on the back of a fag packet for further use, which if they take off could be a nice tax free earner !!!

Even out here in the wilderness there is an old Brummie welder who has a shed with the equipment and material who I am sure would knock one up at his leisure. He is retired but always receptive of a bit of cash to supplement his hobby :smokin::beer2:
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Clearly as time goes by there will be a demand for cradles. IIRC it isn't easy to fit a replacement. I suggest a new type be made that is easy to fit. Such a cradle will sell like hot cakes!!
The cradle on our 2005 TD4 is bad, our 2003 TD4 is very good. Either some were poorly painted initially or type of useage has an effect.

I'll get mine up in the air early next week and have a look at mine, i know its rusty, but need to see how easy it'll be to get it off the car.

I'm a sheet metal worker, and run my own fabrication business and will be happy to churn them out alongside the other things i'm doing for the freelander. Problem is, unlike suggested, its not simply a case of doing it on the back of a fag packet and using scrap metal, as the cradle is designed to support the tank and has a load of swages in for a reason, to give it strength.

I do have access to all the machinery required though, guillotine, brake press, tube benders etc.

If i can get some numbers together of people who need/want one, it will give me an idea of where i'm pricing, as obviously making 10 works out cheaper than making 2.

The cradle will have probably been 0.8-1mm originally, steel is a lot stronger than you think, especially with all the swages in, more than adequate to support a full tank of fuel with that design. Going thicker will make it too heavy and too expensive, but it does need a little extra protection on it to deflect debris away.
I'll get mine up in the air early next week and have a look at mine, i know its rusty, but need to see how easy it'll be to get it off the car.

I'm a sheet metal worker, and run my own fabrication business and will be happy to churn them out alongside the other things i'm doing for the freelander. Problem is, unlike suggested, its not simply a case of doing it on the back of a fag packet and using scrap metal, as the cradle is designed to support the tank and has a load of swages in for a reason, to give it strength.

I do have access to all the machinery required though, guillotine, brake press, tube benders etc.

If i can get some numbers together of people who need/want one, it will give me an idea of where i'm pricing, as obviously making 10 works out cheaper than making 2.

The cradle will have probably been 0.8-1mm originally, steel is a lot stronger than you think, especially with all the swages in, more than adequate to support a full tank of fuel with that design. Going thicker will make it too heavy and too expensive, but it does need a little extra protection on it to deflect debris away.
Not sure how we go about putting our name Down for one but I'm certainly game. Perhaps asking for a deposit using Paypal or similar may be the way to go, any other suggestions most welcome.
I'll get mine up in the air early next week and have a look at mine, i know its rusty, but need to see how easy it'll be to get it off the car.

I'm a sheet metal worker, and run my own fabrication business and will be happy to churn them out alongside the other things i'm doing for the freelander. Problem is, unlike suggested, its not simply a case of doing it on the back of a fag packet and using scrap metal, as the cradle is designed to support the tank and has a load of swages in for a reason, to give it strength.

I do have access to all the machinery required though, guillotine, brake press, tube benders etc.

If i can get some numbers together of people who need/want one, it will give me an idea of where i'm pricing, as obviously making 10 works out cheaper than making 2.

The cradle will have probably been 0.8-1mm originally, steel is a lot stronger than you think, especially with all the swages in, more than adequate to support a full tank of fuel with that design. Going thicker will make it too heavy and too expensive, but it does need a little extra protection on it to deflect debris away.
Hi , not an easy job as usual , prop off , exhaust off , and lower the rear subframe , could it be made in two sections , left and right , with a bolt on centre section , see what you think , just a thought !

are we able to show hands of who would like to get a new frame for there fuel tank and see if a fabricator etc woukd give us a prive according to how many are required to be made

i coukd try and make enquires down here in kent and see what figures i may be able to get and go from there

do u think we are looking around 10 so far ?????

plus are there any differences between the 3 and 5 door models, etc but agree maybe do it in a couple of sections so we could just cut the old one out without having to remove alot of stuff before hand etc,

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are we able to show hands of who would like to get a new frame for there fuel tank and see if a fabricator etc woukd give us a prive according to how many are required to be made

i coukd try and make enquires down here in kent and see what figures i may be able to get and go from there

do u think we are looking around 10 so far ?????


Pretty sure most Freelander owners need one just need to publicise the availability and price.

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