Yes, please put me down for a fuel tank cradle...

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I think it's a subframe off job, someone who's had one off before will know better.
It'll not be a "cheap" product however it's made, and it'll be a pain in the backside however it's made... I might revisit it when I get some time and see how else it could be done.
The idea of making it from 3-4mm laser and bent plate sounds good, altho has more flex than tube does, and fuel is quite heavy

I have just had an MOT fail with the Cradle rotting out issue...

Mantec used to do a tank guard .. Mantec Tank Guard Installation

(apologies for the cross forum link... is the only install and pics I can find on the net)

Is it not possible to replicate this method of construction.. but extend it to use the original mounting points at the rear?

Any one got any suggestions on how to repair the cradle where little of the original part exists .. (will take a pic and post tomorrow)..

The MOT chap said its one of the most common FL1 failing for the MOT along with the usual suspension bushes and handbrake not being effective!
Funny one this.

I replaced the cradle on my wife's 2006 FL1 the other day with a nice shinny LRGP item (painted & Waxoyled of course) however there was no interest in the old one.
Agreed the plates were pretty far gone but the tubes were solid and I thought it suitable for someone to refurb without the hassle of having to remove their own item (and be without a vehicle while this was being done) but even offered at £9.99 it didn't shift.
Cut it into pieces and into the metal-waste bin it went (that was when I could see just how solid the tubes were, no internal rust at all).
i have a mantec fuel tank guard fitted but i am rather concerned as to what state the cradle is in under it. the tank guard is aluminium and I am concerned as to any dissimilar metal corrosion has taken place.

If you were to make these then I would definitely take one as long as it allowed me to put the guard back on over the top.
Right, as per the other thread for the fuel tank cradles.

Can i get a list of names, or responses on the poll of people who would commit to the purchase of a new fuel tank cradle if i made them in say batches of 10+, dependant on price etc.

I'd be making them to try and incorporate a little deflector shield or something to stop them getting clattered and omit the need for a separate fuel tank guard. I could also offer them plain similar to standard if people would also prefer this.

Serious people only though please, its no good me having a list of 30 names if only 10 would actually commit come production time, like many others i've got a business to run and would appreciate the timewasters refraining :D
What vehicle is this cradle for?
Morning all. Any progress? My cradle is knackered (FL1) so won't get through its MOT in October. Happy to add my name to a list.

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