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Got a new TD4 5 door - handbook say fuel tank capacity 55 litres/13 gallons
Yesterday I got 62.77 litres in and the warning light had only just come on. Fuel consumption showed at 34mpg so the garage were not pulling a fast one and a chat with the local dealer didnt really help - only suggested that the capacity is for the tank and I had managed to fill the pipe as well - seems an awfull lot in the pipe. Anybody got any idea on the true capacity of the diesel tank!
I thought it was 60 litres . Funny thing is , if you try and monitor your fuel consumption vs. the fuel meter. Somehow you always end up with more diesel in your fuel tank then it actualy shows on the meter ?
Hi in manual it 59 L but if you fill pipe i can get in about an extra 4 -6 L . which in my van .vauxhall vivaro .the pipe will take 11 L (mad)
Certainly, it is more than 59 liters printed in the manual. This number made me a bit panic when I drove more than 600 Km without refilling the tank.
I once got around 62 plus refilled.
I guest the real capacity be around 65 L.
Hi with my Freelander2 I regularly get 65 litres in and judging by the range on the trip computer I recon I have getting on for 5 litres left before I start filling up.
The quoted capacity usually allows air space for fuel to expand, as when stored in underground tanks it is fairly cool. If you fill it to the brim then don't drive it it is likely to start overflowing.
If you fill it to the brim then don't drive it it is likely to start overflowing.

Wrong! - if yu fill it to the brim then DO drive it - dont leave it to stand. with a bit of luck, you will use it at the same rate that it expands, thereby not using any ;).
Got a new TD4 5 door - handbook say fuel tank capacity 55 litres/13 gallons
Yesterday I got 62.77 litres in and the warning light had only just come on. Fuel consumption showed at 34mpg so the garage were not pulling a fast one and a chat with the local dealer didnt really help - only suggested that the capacity is for the tank and I had managed to fill the pipe as well - seems an awfull lot in the pipe. Anybody got any idea on the true capacity of the diesel tank!

Aint ya got owt better to worry about,........does it matter:doh:
Wrong! - if yu fill it to the brim then DO drive it - dont leave it to stand. with a bit of luck, you will use it at the same rate that it expands, thereby not using any ;).
No Right, if you brim it and don't drive it, then it may overflow as it warms up and expands.
As you said if you do drive it, which is more likely, then you stand a chance of using it as fast as it expands.
I read somewhere that the tank capacity was increased to 64lts for 2002my.........

......but who really cares??
Got a new TD4 5 door - handbook say fuel tank capacity 55 litres/13 gallons
Yesterday I got 62.77 litres in and the warning light had only just come on. Fuel consumption showed at 34mpg so the garage were not pulling a fast one and a chat with the local dealer didnt really help - only suggested that the capacity is for the tank and I had managed to fill the pipe as well - seems an awfull lot in the pipe. Anybody got any idea on the true capacity of the diesel tank!

59L or 13 gallons if your British. ;)
I fill my tank to the 1st click every time, let go then 1 more click, which in reality is very little extra. The most I have put it is 64.5 litres... (Freelander 1)

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