
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Hi on the engine block of the disco is a fuel pump type thingy just below the injectors/glow plug on the right hand side it has an handle/lever. What does this lever do and what position should it be in, in normal use?

I recently changed the fuel filter and it developed a lumpy tickover when cold I assumed air in the system but couldn't find a priming lever or button so assumed this lever was it. but after a few strokes it became obvious that it wasn't doing anything as their is no resistance to movement.

So any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.​

The lever is for priming the fuel lines and it should be left upright. if your disco is not idling properly try cleaning out the sedimentor and throwing a decent injector cleaner in the tank next time you fuel up.


... and the reason that lever appeared like doing nothing is 'cause the fuel lift pump is a mechanical one, it is cam driven and it was on the tip of the cam at that moment. Flick the starter switch next time to rotate the engine a bit, like half or full turn.

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