
New Member

Put vegge oil though my 300tdi a few months back and now performance is starting to suffer,

Replaced all filters and about to do an oil change,

Looking to flush the tank sedimenter soon and I havent got a blues clue what to do,

Pointers welcome !
Clamp fuel lines, remove it, clean it. The whole thing should unscrew off much like the fuel filter.

Put vegge oil though my 300tdi a few months back and now performance is starting to suffer,

Replaced all filters and about to do an oil change,

Looking to flush the tank sedimenter soon and I havent got a blues clue what to do,

Pointers welcome !

Don't flush it just empty it ...

Some bypass it completely, by it does a job and veggie oil will clean the crap out of your tank and lines, so it does its job ...

It's held on by one bolt down the middle, item5 in pic below, (11 mm, I think), you should replace the seals if this is your first time :eek: ;)

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check your lift pump is still working-lack of grunt on hills is sure sign lift pump is dead

Ah yes, I had forgotten that some cheap makes of lift pump seem to be easily ruined by veg. My 200tdi went through a couple a year on SVO.

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