Now I have sobered up , what I was trying to get across is that areas that have always charged top dollar are now cheaper than places where the price was quite reasonable. It really annoys me that my local garages are shafting me, I know market forces and what the market will bear etc. but it still get my goat.

Anyhow some potential good news in the short term for all of us.
Now I have sobered up , what I was trying to get across is that areas that have always charged top dollar are now cheaper than places where the price was quite reasonable. It really annoys me that my local garages are shafting me, I know market forces and what the market will bear etc. but it still get my goat.

Anyhow some potential good news in the short term for all of us.

If they try to do that, the Yanks will find an excuse to bomb the shyte out of them.
The cost of LPG may well, along with the price of conventional fuels, rise during the summer as they are all linked to oil prices along with aviation fuel ie jet A1. As the seasonal demand for air travel increases so does the fuel leaving less per barrel of oil to be refined into other oil based products.
On the other hand I may be talking complete bollocks, they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing :(

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