
New Member
Hi All,
Approx 1 year ago i replaced my Fuel Pressure Regulator for a brand new one. I have noticed a decrease in MPG on my car and i at first suspected this culprit.

As i looked underneath it did look a little damp around the starter motor, however after 20mins of watching the small regulator which normally leaks on the FPR i saw no drops

I have removed the engine acoustic cover to look from above and the rear corner of the engine above the FPR was all black, like a misting of oil. I have cleared this and it hasnt returned, however the image below shows the extent to where this blowing has occured, even to the rear of the FPR.

Do these FPR's leak from any other areas?

I have checked my Cylinder Balances on Nanocom which all appear to be normal.
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The oil you're seeing is most probably coming from the rocker cover gasket. They tend to leak over time, especially from the back of the engine (where the rear acoustic cover is). When renewing it use a small amount of black hi temp silicone in both sides.

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