
New Member
Does anyone have a diagram indicating the fuel pipe on a petrol 1.8S Freelander 04 reg? I bought one of those fuel saver magnet thingys from Ebay, and I need to make sure I put it on the right pipe! :confused:
Send the bloody thing back. A magnet attracts ferrous metals, Iron steel etc. Petrol and diesel don't have iron filings floating about in them. So putting a magnet on the fuel line isn't going to make one iota of a difference to the running of your vehicle. These magnets are just one big con. and you've just been conned.
If you get a really big triangular magnet and have the "north" magnetised on the long edge and the "south" on the point opposite, when you are travelling north you will be pulled along by it. Have one at the front and an opposite one at the back, then do the same for the easts and wests and you won't need any fuel at all, you will just have the magnetism of the earth to pull you along in whichever direction you are pointed, it's brilliant - i can sell you the proper methodology for this for only £150 if you just credit my paypal account.
shut up will yers? its a wumum , they dunt know any better. as yer can see from the choice of vehicle
Well, just what I expected from a bunch of boys - total and utter uselessness!! Just because I am a woman, doesn't mean I am stupid and I find that remark uncalled for. I was only asking for a bit of help. Thanks for nout
I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick the fact yur a woman has nothing to do with it. Plenty of blokes have come on here asking about fuel magnets and got the same response. We never discriminate where idiots are concerned. And if you think that a magnet can have any effect on a non metallic liquid then you are definately an idiot. Fuel magnets are a complete and utter waste of money. They are a con. and they have no effect on your vehicles fuel what so ever. If you don't believe this then you are an idiot. or extremely gullible.
Does anyone have a diagram indicating the fuel pipe on a petrol 1.8S Freelander 04 reg? I bought one of those fuel saver magnet thingys from Ebay, and I need to make sure I put it on the right pipe! :confused:
Of course you do.
The fittings are simple, justnext to your hyclone.And dont forget to to get them tablets cabbie bought.then you'll be so fuel efficient esso will owe you money!!!!!!!!
Fer****sakes pikey, give the lass a break !:rolleyes:
Non of us we born with mechanical knowledge an the ony way t learn is by droppin a bollock or two !;)

He is rite tho sueP !
lesson lurnd eh ?;) :p :D
I suppose I'll just have to admit that I am gullable. I'm certainly not an idiot tho! Thx anyway.
Of course you do.
The fittings are simple, justnext to your hyclone.And dont forget to to get them tablets cabbie bought.then you'll be so fuel efficient esso will owe you money!!!!!!!!

Those tablets never arrived. Tried to ring the company and was told phone not available. E mail wouldn't deliver. Sent lettr by snail mail and heard nowt so now the debit fraud dept. of my bank is getting m money back. Maybe my engine has been saved from a fate worse than death. Anyway I should have looked at the name a bit better: Power PILLUK. Suppose it says it all really. I'll stick to Millers diesel additive; I know that works. Having said that I wonder if the triangular magnet idea would make a difference.....................Going away to hide now.
Thought the objective of this site was to help others!!!!!!

Cheers Dutch RR

We have helped. :D

We've helped her to see that she's wasted her money buying junk that doesn't work. Now the next time she's tempted to buy magnets, or hiclones, or fuel pills or HHO conversion kits. She'll think twice.:confused: Or maybe even come on here and ask for advice before she wastes her money. :D :D
Sue Have look at this, tips for saving Fuel

Avoid High Speeds
- When driving on the motorway try and stick to 70mph. Avoiding high speeds on motorways and A-roads can save a lot of petrol. Around 50% of the power produced by the engine is used to overcome aerodynamic drag. Drag increases rapidly above 70mph so you fuel consumption will suffer.

Smooth Driving - Acceleration and deceleration is what uses most fuel. For this reason you will improve your fuel consumption with smooth driving, heavy braking can be reduced by not tailgaiting and slowing down gradually when coming up to a red light. Also avoid heavy acceleration from the lights and try not to rev too much.

Use The Right Gear - To maintain low revs whilst driving you should change gear as soon as is practical. Engines run most economically at revs between 1500 and 2500 so aim to always be between this unless more power is required.

Don't Coast In Neutral - Modern cars automatically shut off fuel to the engine if you're not accelerating, but in neutral the engine will still use a tiny amount of petrol, so when cruising up to the lights keep the car in gear.

Close Your Window - If you are driving fast then don't have your windows open unless necessary. Having the windows open causes significant drag which increases fuel consumption
Pump Up Your Tyres - Under inflated tyres increase resistance which harms your fuel consumption. It is estimated 50% of tyres on the road are under inflated. Check your car manual for the recommended pressure then go to your local petrol station and use their pump, this is normally free! This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to instantly improve your fuel consumption.

Check For Wear - If your tyres are bald this is not only illegal but dangerous and harming your fuel economy. Call up your local garage to get the required amount of new tyres fitted.

Fit Thinner Tyres - Thicker tyres have more rolling resistance which means higher fuel consumption. Fitting thinner tyres will improve your fuel consumption, however your car will not handle as well with thinner tyres. Always seek advice of a garage before buying thinner tyres

Get your car Serviced on a regular basis

Cheers Dutch RR
you could always attach a helium filled ballon to yer roof and if yer get stuck in traffic you can either put more hellium in it and float over the top or you could release some and entertain those around you

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