
Well-Known Member
Just ordered mesel' a new fuel lift pump for the bus 'cos ah don't know if the old one's goosed (or nearly goosed). Had a wee look at it the other night and noticed that the primer lever was in the straight down position and there was stuff drippin' from it on tae the oil filter. Also noticed that the lever is flappin' from side tae side aswell, which doesn't seem right tae me!!!
Have dun a search and found some one mentioned a tappin' noise comin' from sumwheres (which ah've also got) and that it was mentioned it 'could' be from the lift pump.
Ah've found that when ah go to fill up with diesel the bus wont start for ages, could this all be connected?
Here's a couple of pics fur ye's;) :D

Does any one know if this is a pretty straight forward job tae change the pump, or is there anything ah should be lookin' out for?
Cheers;) :D
PM me yur email address and I'll post the page out of the LR workshop manual just 2 bolts to undo.
it looks like this. managed to pull the image off the manual it's for the 2.5 diesel but the tdi one is more or less the same.


  • Liftpump.jpg
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just make sure the gasket fits right and you bleed the fuel system... which can be an arse

If you have rubbery fuel pipe from the lift pump to the fuel filter, clamp it with a hose clamp close to the lift pump BEFORE undoing any pipes.

(only Freelander owners would use vicegrips to do this)

Then swap the fuel pump for the new one.

Connect the fuel pipe from the tank first, and work the priming lever till fuel skooshes out the other side. Now get her to give it ONE quick blast on the starter to make sure it pumps off the cam.

Now attach the other pipe, and take off the vice grips - sorry - pipe clamp, and start her up. The self bleeder in the head of the fuel filter will dispose of what little air gets in, assuming the self-bleeder hole isn't blocked which they all usually are.

If you have rubbery fuel pipe from the lift pump to the fuel filter, clamp it with a hose clamp close to the lift pump BEFORE undoing any pipes.

(only Freelander owners would use vicegrips to do this)

Then swap the fuel pump for the new one.

Connect the fuel pipe from the tank first, and work the priming lever till fuel skooshes out the other side. Now get her to give it ONE quick blast on the starter to make sure it pumps off the cam.

Now attach the other pipe, and take off the vice grips - sorry - pipe clamp, and start her up. The self bleeder in the head of the fuel filter will dispose of what little air gets in, assuming the self-bleeder hole isn't blocked which they all usually are.

Cheers fur that CharlesY:D Just went and had a look at the pipes and they're all a kinda hard plasticky type pipe, would ah still get away with using the 'pipe clamp' or would ah have tae be quick and stick a bung or summit in thum?
Just got the new pump today:D Goin' tae have a go at fittin' it later, should be fun!!!:D Still not sure if ah should try and clamp the pipes seein' as they're the plastic type, dunno if they'll split:confused:

WOOOOHOOOO!!! job's dun:D
Didnae need tae clamp the pipes as thur was no fuel in thum!!!
Cheers fur the help guys;) :D :D

Hey Busterbus, what difference did it make to the running of yer land rover? Mines in much the same condition. I've thought about changing it but I don't know what a worn one feels like to say that it needs changing

Cheers fella
Hey Busterbus, what difference did it make to the running of yer land rover? Mines in much the same condition. I've thought about changing it but I don't know what a worn one feels like to say that it needs changing

Cheers fella
Dun't feel like much diffrunce tae runnin', hard tae say really. Still got startin' issues tho' and that's why ah'm onto me stop solenoid/ fuel cut off switch now. If it's about the same as mine, it probably wouldn't hurt tae change it anyways, ah payed about £25 for mine.

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