
Well-Known Member
Have just gone to change the fuel filter for a 200tdi 90 following Buster's guide as part of an engine service. Before I started I tried to operate the lever on the lift pump in the engine bay. There was no resistance in it at all it just moved up and down without any sort of feedback whatsoever. Surely there should be some resistance? Because of this I didn't change it in case of causing myself problems bleeding the system through once done. Thanks again :rolleyes:
I just disconnect the fuel solenoid, slacken off the fuel filter bleed banjo and turn the starter until clear fuel appears at the banjo and then retighten and reconnect solenoid.

My pump also feels like it's doing nothing, but i've disconnected the pipework and pumped it by hand and it fires fuel all over the place!
might have been "on cam" as well.
my 300tdi, I just start it back up, when it starts to cough, floor it, it doenst usually quite stall out, but if it doesn, it fires back up, and bleeds itself through.
Ok, mixed stuff but see what others have to say, a gotta prevent problems as much as I can being me only vehicle :). Looks like my fuel filter might have been there some time so will probably be a b*tch to get off. Tried doing it by hand but it dint want to move (nothing new there then) :rolleyes: Will have another go when I get some more suggestions, thankies :)
You could use oil filter pliers, chain wrench or rubber band type oil filter wrench. Obviously all those tools have the potential to damage the existing filter.

If you want to test your lift pump, the same principal applies when you are hand operating the pump - if you slacken off the bleed banjo on the fuel filter, you should see fuel leaking when you pump by hand. If the lever has no effect, move the crank on a little by hand using a large socket on the dog nut and try again.
It shouldn't have any problems. Take old filter off. Fill new filter with diesel and put on. Start engine. Might stall first time but second time it'll be fine. They don't normally need bled if you do it that way
Put a socket and bar on the nut of the crankshaft pulley and turn engine over until you get the resistance on the lift pump lever. It will be stuck on the cam at the moment

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