
New Member
as the title says, I have fuel that constantly leaks from the filler cap on my 110. Even when tank is low, the cap is wet with fuel and there is a patch of leaked fuel on bodywork around the area.

It is definitely fuel, I can smell it. At the moment I am getting about 350 miles from a tank with large roof rack on. Anyone else had this happen?
the breather is situated just a couple of inches down the fill pipe so even on a nearly empty tank the fuel still spits at the filler cap.....and theres your problem...the cap isnt sealing properly,as simple as that mate
Check the down pipe as well as the cap...mine had rusted all of the bolts and was lose....got a new cap and pipe from britpart and pop rivited onto the body....sorted!
Looking down the pipe it looks clean and not at all corroded.

Took the fuel cap apart and cleaned it out etc and it now looks clean and shiny. But it still leaks. New seal? Check breather? Am I rubbish at cleaning?!!
Looking down the pipe it looks clean and not at all corroded.

Took the fuel cap apart and cleaned it out etc and it now looks clean and shiny. But it still leaks. New seal? Check breather? Am I rubbish at cleaning?!!
Did ye poke the wee ballbearing in the filler cap to make sure it was free and working with the spring?
I cleaned the ball bearing, but there was no spring in the cap. I did wonder why the big space for a little ball bearing to rattle around in

Maybe the spring from my pen will work!!!!!!!!!
I had the same problem with a 110. On the advice of my local landy mechanic I changed the cap and it did nothing to fix it... I put up with it for a while, but sold it to get a 90... Not due to this small problem I may add!!

The caps are not a great fit at the best of times. You will find that fuel comes out around the seal, but also through the locking mechanism. You'd think that they'd get it right by now, but then we'd have nothing to discuss I suppose!!! So after all that, I don't really have an answer - except may be worth trying to get a thicker seal or something to assist a tighter fit.

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