
New Member
Hello. Could anybody help me out here, where the main fuel line joins the injector arm the two clips are now broken and i cannot stop petrol pouring out, also should there be a seal that goes around fuel pipe inside the rail,if so does anybody know where i can get these parts as land rover want to sell me a whole new injector set for £700. Engine is 2.5 v6 petrol.
Many thanks.
so sorry i seem to have upset you,didnt realise there was an intro section, im new to this but i am normally good mannered but on this occasion up yours senior member.
Seems your parents didnt do a particularly good job , still its your problem not mine Have a nice day :confused2:
That's a new approach. I need help so I will **** off the people who can help me and most likely save me a big bag of money.

Good luck with that :)
It's a terrible thing when you realise you have spent your money on a realy badly put together vehicle !! Take it to a dealer and give him your bank details sucker !!!!!!
not a problem at at all just snooty people like you think you own the world and everyone in it so **** off.

No its little pricks like you that **** us off.
The Intro section is for you to introduce yourself and tell us what you drive so we can help.

Afterall you havnt given us much info on what your diving so how can we help..............
No its little pr**ks like you that p1ss us off.
The Intro section is for you to introduce yourself and tell us what you drive so we can help.

Afterall you havnt given us much info on what your diving so how can we help..............

Whilst this is not the intro section and the OP is definately a flaccid appendage.....neither is it 'anything goes' so a little editing is in order.
I see he has gorn, but a quiet word to the OP........
It might be useful if you told us what vehicle you are driving...... but as you say a 2.5 V6, I can only assume that means you have a Gaylander. If that is true, you have my condolensces. I suggest you take the advice above (or at least some of it) and introduce yourself, then ask again in the Gaylander section.
good luck to all you merry little crew got what i needed so **** the lot of yo thanks for having me im off now wont be back so you can all have a little chat about me again whilst all in the bum chum corner.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
good luck to all you merry little crew got what i needed so **** the lot of yo thanks for having me im off now wont be back so you can all have a little chat about me again whilst all in the bum chum corner.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Ahhhh bless, he`s bein a tease now............

now, what sage mentioned that the noob was a flacid penis,
well bless, he dreams of men talking about him...

nowthen nowthen(oops, a saville joke) praps jjslash69 is a gaylander but enjoys being so, so we wont make him subject of a hate crime today!


but tamara,
tis a fresh day for havin a larf... :)

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