
Hello, Could someone give me some advice please!

I've got a 2000 defender td5 with 130k and I'm getting fuel in the engine oil!

I've changed the injector seals but just checked and there is still fuel getting into the oil. The landy is running as good as it ever has which is so annoying.

What do I do next?
Get injectors checked?
Replace head?
Find a second hand engine?
Anyone want to buy it haha...
If you decide to go down the replacement engine route I have one here lol. However if youve changed the seals then I suspect you've got a cracked head.
If you decide to go down the replacement engine route I have one here lol. However if youve changed the seals then I suspect you've got a cracked head.

anyone who has a d2 has a cracked head,myself included.:crazy::D:D
What are symptoms Gems out of curiosity?Other than increasing oil level,and loss of coolant.Do you feel a misfire?
(Trying to be prepared;))

hi,i was saying that anyone who owns a D2 must have a cracked head,ie crazy.lol.but if you need specifics get in touch with ratty as he has had this issue.;)
hi,i was saying that anyone who owns a D2 must have a cracked head,ie crazy.lol.but if you need specifics get in touch with ratty as he has had this issue.;)

Oh I see(too early in morn for me lol-doh)
And yup your probably right, :D and anyone that runs a TD5 on biodiesel has even more mental health issues :D

I am amazed my seals haven't gone yet,they seem to fail easy enough on derv
Oh I see(too early in morn for me lol-doh)
And yup your probably right, :D and anyone that runs a TD5 on biodiesel has even more mental health issues :D

I am amazed my seals haven't gone yet,they seem to fail easy enough on derv

if i remember correctly,there will be a missfire as the fuel pressure will fall due to the crack in the head,as for the seals,if you have the vitron ones i think they can cope with bio,but as i say get in touch with ratty as i know he had this prob with his td5 defender.;)
Hello, sorry for such a late response.

I managed to get to the bottom of it. I sent the injectors to diesel bob to get tested and found I had one leaking and another under fuelling. (probably caused by my fuel but I'm pretending it is hahah) Anyway I found a low mileage head with injectors for £140. I also sent these away to be tested so popped them in and she is running brilliantly. I haven't even coded it.

Do I need to code injectors in? I can't find a straight answer?

And if I do does anyone fancy helping me??

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