OK. Thansk for the size comments and the suggestion that the sender is fooked. Any other suggestions about where a thwack might help (if the flotat is stuck - i did turn the corner rather smartly on a dry road...), or a wire that may have come loose.

On my 110 the wires to the sender were on the inboard side of the tank and were clearly visible when you looked under the vehicle But if you have a RR tank then i suspect the sender may be on the top of the tank and possibly difficult if not impossible to get at without dropping the tank.
I can see the wires and all three spades are connected. Looks similar to a 110V8 I had a few years ago. Anywhere else it gets connected? How can I tell if the float is jammed or the sender 'fooked'? Or soemthing else awry. Anyone else experienced this inconvenience?
No that's all the connections there is. there is a way to test the sender whilst in situ with a multimetre but I don't recall the process removing the sender is pretty straight forwards it a simple bayonet fit. If it's the same as the one that was on my 110. Just make sure you drain the tank 1st.

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