Hector 390

New Member
Hello! I have a series III and suddenly the fuel gauge has stopped working. How do I resolve this little conundrum? Do I have to send if off to someone to fix or can I do it myself?

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks! :)

Could be a number of things. Have you inspected the sender unit at the tank? Check connections there and behind the dash at the gauge. A new sender unit isn't expensive If your replacing it renew the rubber seal too.
As above particularly if the temp gauge is still working.
Also, if you earth the sender wire, the fuel gauge should go full scale thus proving it's the sender not the gauge.
Did it run out of fuel, it usually reads zero then...

Check the conectorsfor volts, if not 12v+ you most likely have a duff connector, its fairLy exposed to under car splashes where the sender is.

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