
New Member
Hi, all i am new on here so hello to everyone.

I have just purchased a Range Rover 4.0 se

Right advise needed................i have on a couple of occasions put petrol in my car and the gauge hasn't moved a bit!!! i turned the ignition off and on again and then it registered. I went today as my light was on and computer said "REFUEL RANGE <50" Put £10 in and it hasn't budged a mm!!! is this normal......surely a tenner should at least take the light off and move a few mm.

Also i have vibration from my EAS compressor......do i just get new mounts or is it on its way out?

Also The other day i turned ignition on and the comp said "EAS FAULT" and all the eas lights lit up and no control available. Then the next time i got in my car it was fine again!!!!!!!!! Does it just need a reset maybe?

Also my cruise control has a mind of its own, press the switch on dash and the set on steering wheel and it will work but sometimes it wont work no matter what.............!!!!

Please give me all the advise you can on any of these matters.

Thanks for reading
Might just be a loose wire on the sender if it works sometimes
Try loosening the lock nuts holding the compressor mounts first - if they have been over tightened then they tend to vibrate a bit
Eas fault - welcome to P38 world - try a search on here for possible answers
Cruise - check the hoses and the diaphragm for splits first - located under the bonnet , pass side, up next to the bulkhead
my cruise control pipes were split

and thats on a 2000 yr with 50k on been garaged all its life
Hi, welcome to the world of p38 ownership. If your running a 4.0 with out gas then to be honest &#163;10 worth of fuel will not give you a grater range of 50 miles. depending on what your computed mpg is. and depending on just how low the tank was.

The most common fault with cruise control is the two vacume pipes to the actuator in the engine bay. and the adjustment on the cable. easy fix to do and set up.

As for your EAS fault. suggest you search the forum. and start from the begining. but when the system is up and running its the best out there.


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