
New Member
Hi all, ive tried searching but nothing seems to fit the bill. Over the last few weeks when reversing uphill from cold the engine dont seem to rev as much as it should,a week later it seemed to want to and sometimes did stall the engine from cold( fwd or rev). coming home to night when cruising it would serge 2500 rpm to 3000 rpm, i could still acceletate/kickdown but it seemed to hold gears a lot longer before changing, if i lowered the rpm it would change . gearbox or fuel or electrical?. vehicle is a 2.5 dhse auto, any ideas ? cheers phil...
First thing would be to check your gearbox oil level.....

When was the GB oil last changed?
Had recon gbox fitted about 14 month ago , never checked oil as theres no dipstick on the 2001 models but have no signs of leaking fluid. cheers phil
Had recon gbox fitted about 14 month ago , never checked oil as theres no dipstick on the 2001 models but have no signs of leaking fluid. cheers phil
Could be a time to check the level....just to be sure...

There is a level plug on the side of the sump(?), needs to be checked with engine running, open the plug and you should get a thin drizzle from it, if not, fill (with engine still running) till you do....

JamesMartin is your man for boxes!
Many thanks Saint, will do as soon as the ground is dry enough to lie on !! will use my m/bike for work till i check it.
When it surged, did the revs rise with no increase in speed, or did it kind of surge forward too??

Also gear changes - when it changes gear does it appear to 'flare' before engaging the next gear?
the speed kept track with the surging at all times, if i took my foot of the gas a little it would stop surging . gear change just takes more revs to make it change unless i reduce the revs then it will change. cheers phil
definatly seems evident of either slipping clutch packs in the box either due to sticky valves or low oil level causing a reduced hydraulic pressure....

Best to check the level, or even better try draining and replacing the ATF and add some Lucas Tranny Fix into it....this stuff according to Wammers and Datatek (and many others on here) helps to free up the valves and helps them to prevent clutch slip....
Hi all, ive tried searching but nothing seems to fit the bill. Over the last few weeks when reversing uphill from cold the engine dont seem to rev as much as it should,a week later it seemed to want to and sometimes did stall the engine from cold( fwd or rev). coming home to night when cruising it would serge 2500 rpm to 3000 rpm, i could still acceletate/kickdown but it seemed to hold gears a lot longer before changing, if i lowered the rpm it would change . gearbox or fuel or electrical?. vehicle is a 2.5 dhse auto, any ideas ? cheers phil...
I'd check the in tank pump, the fuel filter and the MAP sensor pipe.
Late shifts may be due to you using more throttle pedal travel.
Thanks for the advice, I had a quick look this morning before work , i couldnt see any leaks on the floor under the gearbox but did notice a build up of oil / wet dirt on the oil cooler, if it was leaking from the cooler would things be more evident? it was semi dark and raining so didnt dwell too much outside ! cheers phil
Thanks for the advice, I had a quick look this morning before work , i couldnt see any leaks on the floor under the gearbox but did notice a build up of oil / wet dirt on the oil cooler, if it was leaking from the cooler would things be more evident? it was semi dark and raining so didnt dwell too much outside ! cheers phil
You said:- Over the last few weeks when reversing uphill from cold the engine dont seem to rev as much as it should,a week later it seemed to want to and sometimes did stall the engine from cold.
Lack of revs/power is typical of a fueling problem rather than a gearbox problem, in tank pump would be my first check.
is there an easy way of checking the in tank pump ? could it be the injection pump ? she has done 165000 mls . cheers phil...
is there an easy way of checking the in tank pump ? could it be the injection pump ? she has done 165000 mls . cheers phil...

One check is to remove the feed to the fuel filter and measure the fuel delivery during the period the glow plugs are has to be done when engine is cold.

Reports are of around 100ml during the glow plug cycle.
Had a look today, found 2 things, 1st- pipe from manifold to map sensor had perished and come off under manifold and second it was short of tranny fluid. i sorted both problems took it for a short run and everything seems ok. hopefully that cracked it, many thanks for the advice. cheers phil

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