I`ve burnt both sunflour and veggie for the past few years...

my discos a bit like me, old and stuborn and wont give up..

its a good game of guessing the exhaust smell depending on choice of veggie mix...

seems to me, if its a 200, it`ll burn it....

never tried used engine oil though and doubt I ever will, what do you think I am thinking of it...shudder....
I've been running it for about 150 miles now, and it seems OK. The engine is definitely quieter at higher revs/speed and it does seem to have a little more pep.

I thought people were taking the **** saying it smells like a chip shop, but it certainly does. Kinda funny really.

I am quite happy with it at the moment. I am running a 75/25 mix right now, but I need to fill up a little tomorrow so this will be nearer 50/50.
If anyone has a Costco near by...£13.49 for 20ltrs. Thats just over 67p/ltr. I was in today and stocked up. When i first started buying it there it was approx £17, and the last I got some it was £14 odds. Seems to be dropping in price.
If anyone has a Costco near by...£13.49 for 20ltrs. Thats just over 67p/ltr. I was in today and stocked up. When i first started buying it there it was approx £17, and the last I got some it was £14 odds. Seems to be dropping in price.
Do need to be a member or trader ?

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