My land rover series 2a's fuel is firing in the carburettor recently it hasn't been firing at all but I recently replaced the spark plug and for reasons beyond me the fuel seems to be setting a light in the carburettor somebody please help thanks, lloydiee123
Is it happening whilst the engine is running?? Or just whilst starting or trying to start if the engine is a non starter, if that's the case you most likely have the plug leads on wrong.
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It happens when trying to start the engine as it doesn't fire it only seems to fire in the carburettor? The firing order is definatley correct
I think we need a bit more history to help you, has the engine got compression? have the valve clearances (tappets) been adjusted recently?
Tell us all you know.
Stuck valve or wrong plug order. Don't forget dizzy goes anticlockwise, plug 1 is at the front, this connects to the dizzy output nearest the front of the block, and the firing order is cast into the manifold. Surprisingly easy to get wrong!
The firing order of the distributor is the same as stamped on the manifold. To get the correct order. Set the no1 cylinder to TDC using the timing marks on the crank pulley. Take the dizzy cap off and note the position of the rotor. The HT lead socket that the rotor lines up with connects to the plug on No1 cylinder. Then, working anti clock wise, connect the rest of the HT leads according to the sequence stamped on the engine. The sequence should be 1 3 4 2.
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on dizzy if set right no1 is front nearest engine then anti cloickwise no3 ,then no 4 then no 2 front outer lead
Ok thanks and the mound on the top right of the dizzy does that go to cylinder 4 or 2?
top right? do you mean back right or front right? Never mind, forget I asked. I will make it easy for you. From the front of the engine, that's the bit with the fan attached to it, the front right lead goes to plug 1 the next lead anti clockwise goes to plug 3 the next lead anti clockwise to that one goes to plug 4, which leaves the final lead to plug 2.
"but I recently replaced the spark plug" is usually a clue you've cocked it up. If in doubt, replace them one at a time next time!

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