
Well-Known Member
Well I think I made a booboo, just changed them straight over and then turned over to let tickover thinking the diesel/biofuel would just gush into the new filter and all would be ok. Not so, now turns over but no fuel getting to where it should be, what have I done wrong and how do I rectify??? Any help appreciated
200tdi by the way
You'll probably have to bleed the whole system through now there'll be air drawn into the injector pump. I love it when a two minute job turns into a pile of hassle.
In future brim the new filter with fuel,before you put it on :)
To deal with your current problem,either remove filter and brim it,or open bleed valve at top of filter(bottom is a water drain)and pump lift pump manually until fuel shows at bleed screw.Retighten bleed screw,then loosen banjo at injection pump input and pump lift pump again until fuel is showing at banjo.Retighten banjo and she should now start.It may take a while to remove all the air in system
Isnt that a sign of the lift pump not working if the engine is cranked but the fuel filter isnt filling up.

Does anyone more knowledgable correct me on this?
You'd very likely flatten your battery before you fill the filter up. When there's air in the system trying to pump diesel through just compresses the air pockets resulting in the fuel going nowhere. You need to remove all the air for the fuel to be pumped through properly.
Hi guys, thanks for the info, now puring like a lion again, just topped up the filter, lesson learned,,,, thank you all
Didnt do anything, although I have found that bottom of the filter screws off so thinking that must be there for a reason, just don't know

The screw at the bottom is a water drain. You can let a few drips out every couple of months to be sure there is no water from tank condensation in the system.

Personally, the only time I have ever found water dripping from there was after being submerged above the filler cap in a lake.

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