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The water in fuel filter light came on the other day. Changed the filter, yesterday and all fine. After driving 40 miles, light has come back on. Any suggestions? I wonder if the sensor connections need cleaning, although all looked fine. Thanks.
I did wonder that. If this were the case, how do I get rid of it? I did clean the connectors and went out for a drive, the light came back on. Got home, turned engine off and on again and the light stayed off. I am due to go out shortly and I will see what happens.
Those sensors are notoriously unreliable, in fact were deleted on later models. I've left mine off and just put the plug in the bottom and cable tied the wiring out of the way.
I did wonder about the reliability. All seems very coincidental. What year did they delete the sensors? If there were water in the system, what would the symptoms be?
I did wonder about the reliability. All seems very coincidental. What year did they delete the sensors? If there were water in the system, what would the symptoms be?

The water in the fuel lamp would come on. If the filter got full of water the engine would stop PDQ.:D:D
Sounds like a faulty sensor. Drove it earlier on and it came on again. Just drove it now and it was off. One final question, when I turn the ignition on and stand outside, I can hear the fuel pump. Is this normal?
Thank you all for your responses, makes me feel much better. It would therefore appear that sensor could be faulty. If there was fuel in the system, the engine would stop, or, I guess run very rough. Fuel pump noise is normal. All appears to be okay then!
Actually the filter acts like a sedimenter for water so the water should not get into the system just accumulate in the bottom of the filter hence the warning, if the filter is regularily changed that sensor is useless, it can make more damage than help cos it's on the fuel pump feed circuit and if a short occurs in it or on it's wiring it will blow the fule pump fuse.

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